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Mary smiles as she walks up the steps of the school. It's the first day of school and she's more than ready to not walk through those doors. "Hey, you look as freaked as Manny." Mary turns and sees Emma and Manny standing behind her.

"Emma!" Mary hugs the blonde a smile on her face. "I wanted to come see you all of last week, but I've been so busy with getting ready for school this year." Mary pulls back and smiles at her. "How are you?"

"I'm good thanks to you and everyone else." Emma smiles. "Really, Mary, thank you for helping everyone find me." Emma pulls her into another hug. "You are officially one of our best friends." Mary smiles and hugs her back.

"Thanks, so are you, both of you." She says before the three look back at the school.

"Come on, let's go." Emma walks up the stairs with Manny and Mary on either side of her. Manny looks at Mary, she too is worried about entering the school. "Come on you two, there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Nothing, but the grade eights." Manny says as Mary nods in agreement.

"They're only a year older than us." Emma says.

"Yeah, a whole year to think of ways to make us suffer." Manny argues back. 

"They're bigger and scarier than us." Mary whispers as if afraid they'll hear us just as Emma drops her papers and goes to pick up only to have someone step on it.

"Hall pass." Mary whimpers and steps back upon seeing the bigger grade eight.

"What?" Emma asks.

"You're not allowed on school property without a hall pass." The eight grader says.

"But we didn't get one."

"Then you all three will have to leave."

"My dad's a teacher here." Mary says, but they didn't hear her almost mute voice.

"But we can't, it's the first day of school." Manny goes on to say.

"Grade sevens are such geeks." The guy says as he smiles at his friend before the two walk away.

"They were literally seventh graders last year, though." Mary whispers. Emma picks up her papers and the three head down the hall, soon catching up with J.T and Toby.

"Hey, guys." Toby says to them.

"Hey, Toby." Mary says before smiling at J.T. "Hey, J.T."

"Hey." Emma and Manny greet them.

"Hi." J.T says as he looks in at the computer lab, the others doing the same.

"That's our homeroom?" Emma asks.

"That's my dad's classroom." Mary tells them as another student gather around.

"Cool," Manny says as the bell rings. Mary turns and sees her father running up to them.

"Hey, guys." He greets.

"Hey, dad." Mary smiles.

"Uh, sorry I'm late, Pam." He says before unlocking his door. "Okay, now, alright." He walks into the room with them before turning to them. "Just choose your own seats for the time being." Emma takes a seat, Manny sitting to her left, while Mary sits on Manny's left. "Welcome to Degrassi Community School. I'm Mr. Simpson, I'm your home room and media immersion teacher and I gotta say you guys really lucked out, I mean this is by far the coolest homeroom in the entire school." Manny smiles at Mary and Emma. "First order of business these are the code of conduct forms concerning the computers and the internet, alright?" He passes out the paper, smiling at Mary, who smiles back at him.

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