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Mary walks into her homeroom with the others. "I can't believe you guys are chickening out." Emma says.

"We're not chickening out."

"What are you guys talking about?" Mary asks as she heads for her seat.

"Fine." Emma says.

"Fine." Toby says.

"We're just not going to the dance, okay." JT says.

"Oh... the dance." Mary sighs as she sits down at her computer and logs on.

"I guess it's just me and you then." Emma says as she sits down.

"Mary, are you going?" Manny asks, avoiding Emma's words.

"My dad's making me. Says I need to learn how to have more fun."

"Manny, you did talk to your parents, didn't you?" Emma asks.

"Yes." Manny says slowly. "And no." Emma gives Manny a look. "If the dance was during school hours, fine, but it's at night."

"So who am I supposed to go with. Mary is probably going to try to get out of it." They take a seat on either side of Mary. "Please, don't try to get out of it."


"Morning people." Her father walks in and puts his things down by his desk. "I would like you to meet Sean Cameron. He was here for a few months last year before he moved up north uh why don't you tell the class a little bit about yourself."


"Okay, well, um, maybe once you've settled in. Why don't you have a seat." Sean takes a seat as Mary turns back around to her computer.

"He seems grumpy." Mary whispers before getting into what she was working on last class.


Mary twirls her braid as she walks into her last class. She walks over to Emma as Toby does. "Emma." Emma grabs Mary's and Manny's arms and leads them away.

"Okay, grumpy, Emme, I'll go to the dance with you." Mary says as she sits down. "Just now I'll be depressed and bored the whole time." Emma throws her arms around Mary.

"Thank you, Mary. I officially love you." Mary giggles as she hugs Emma back. "I'll even take your dramatic attitude. Who knows we might enjoy it."

"Okay, come on guys, quiet down. I want you to open up your books and we're gonna read chapter four."

Mary gets her book out and begins to read. "Em, I totally wish I could go tonight with you both." Manny says.

"Yeah, well at least you have a real excuse. Those two?"

"They're wusses." Mary giggles at Manny and Emma.

"Emma, Mary, are you really going to let a couple of prepubescent boys dictate your amusement?" Emma and Mary exchange a look.

"Fine." Mary sighs. "I'll try to have fun." Emma grins and the two begin to get back to their studies.


"Five dollars, please. It goes towards the Degrassi Community Food Bank. Oh, but you wouldn't know it from the sign." Ashley says as Emma and Mary stand and hand the five dollars over to Ashley.

"I think the sign looks great." Mary grins, causing Liberty to give her a smile. Mary is dressed in a simple white blouse and jeans. "It's loud."

"Just give it a chance."

"Hey, it's big mouth enriched and she's got a heart on." Spinner says as he and Jimmy laugh.

"Yeah, buckets of fun." Mary whispers as she drags them away.

"Can you at least try to have fun, Mary?"

"It's loud, dark, and the people here are pretty rude."

"Mary." Mary sighs and nods at Emma.

"Fine, I'll behave."

"Let's get something to eat." Emma and Mary walk to the snack table and ate a few chips.

"It wouldn't be so bad if maybe we had a cute guy." Emma raises an eyebrow at Mary, causing her to grow pink.

"Well, look around you. A lot of people have dates."

"But we don't have to." Emma and Mary walk around, but they both know that they aren't having a fun time.

"This is such a boring event." Mary jumps as she sees Jimmy being held against the wall by Sean. "Nevermind..."

"What are you doing?" Jimmy asks.

"Just stop reminding me, okay? It sucks enough that I have to repeat the seventh grade and I don't have to have you ringing it in my face."

"Wow, anger issues." Mary says as Emma walks over to Sean.

"Do you want to dance?" Mary's jaw drops as she looks at Emma.


"Uh... didn't have to have dates she says? Really?" Mary whispers. She huffs as she leans against the wall. "So much for going together."

Mary watches as Emma and Sean dance. A bit of jealousy hits her stomach as she wants nothing more to be able to dance with someone, but Mary is too shy.

She heaves a sigh and heads out of the gym. "Mr. Radish?" He turns and looks at Mary with a smile.

"Hello, Mary, having a fun time?"

"I was just actually wondering if I could go home early. I'm just tired and don't really feel much in the dancing mood."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, but can you call my dad."

"Sure, Mary. Follow me." He leads me to his office and has me sit down as he calls my dad.

My dad comes a few minutes later. "You okay, Mary?"

"Yeah, just bored. I tried to make it work dad, but I am so bored."

"Weren't you with Emma?"

"Yea, but she is having fun without me. I just don't want to participate in it anymore."

"Okay, kiddo, come on. We'll come home."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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