The Invisible Girl

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Have you ever felt looked at, observed, mocked
But, never seen...
Never deserving attention and always forgotten?
Well I'm that girl.

She, who feels uncomfortable with people.
Who hides away from them.
Who prefers solitude
Because she has gotten used to it.

She, who never says what she thinks
So she won't look stupid.
Who does not cry
So she won't appear weak.
And never takes risks
too afraid to fall.

The girl who never said what she felt
And then forgot how to feel at all.
The one who lose hope.

Even though she was the most sensitive girl you'd ever know.

The one used by others
Then threw away.
And who loves
But is not loved.

I am the girl who,
Even screaming
Is ignored.
The one who listens,
But never has been heard.

Who lost her voice,
And has let others take the spotlight
Too many times
Hidden in their shadows.

The kind of person you see and forget.

I became invisible.
I'm the invisible girl.
But it's okay,
I'm used to it.

~Alicia Bélanger (The Invisible Girl)

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