1| bruised and bloody

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"You look amazing tonight," Kyle mutters in between taking long sips from his cherry coke.

"Tonight?" I smirk in reply, batting my eyelashes and flaunting my highlight. This is our first date, in his car parked in front of the beach. Our windows rolled down, the smell of the sea inhabiting the air around us, and homemade sandwiches in a bright blue picnic basket that Kyle brought.

"Of course you look amazing everyday, but I mean tonight you're just lovely." I melt in his reply. His words stringing me along, this boy sure knows how to flatter a woman. "Here it is!" Kyle continues looking at the car's front window.

I turn my head, engulfed by the enthralling view of the sun dipping into the vast ocean in front of me.

"Kyle.." I smile at the green-eyed boy in front of me.

"Told you it was worth the wait," he says, smiling at the view. We had been sitting in his car for more than 2 hours just talking non-stop about anything.

I could feel him look at me every time I turn my head.

"What? is there something on my face?" I raise my brow at him. He cups my face with his hand, his face inching towards me halting a centimeter away. His breath fanning my cheek, hinting the smell of cherry coke, he inches closer and closer until our lips touch. He bites my bottom lip, and I open a little bit giving his tongue the entrance. He trails kisses down my neck, gliding his rough touch down my hips and then my crotch- MY CROTCH?!

"I bet you're better than all the other girls," he whispers in between kisses.

Is this how this is?

I bite onto his bottom lip again, giving him the signal that I want toplay. He slides his tongue into my mouth again and I bite! soft enough to leave him with his tongue, yet hard enough to warn him that GIRLS BITE BACK. no pun intended.

"What the hell?!" he screams in agony. Sinking back into his seat.

"Oopsie Daisy!" I say in a high-pitched tone, faking the face of concern and dismay before wiping that away with a smirk. I wink at him before getting off his car and slamming the door shut behind me.

"It was all a bet anyways," he yells at me from inside his car.

I halt in my tracks at his statement.

"Oh what are you gonna do, Kenley? pick me up and throw me to the ground?" he tease.

One thing you don't do is mess with underground fighters like me. I came into a sudden halt, turning around to face him, and giving him the smile before my vision darkened and my mind was clouded by anger.


Next thing I know Kyle is laying on the ground bloody and unconscious, my hand was balled up in a fist and my knuckles were bruised and bloody. My cheek hurt every time I moved it. I really ruined this guy's day, huh? He'll live, his chest is still heaving up and down.

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen is how a date turns into a disaster.

I reach for my phone in my pocket, quickly dialing Emmet's number.

"Emmet, can you come pick me up?"

"Mer? I'm kinda in the middle of.." he cuts his sentence off with a sigh, "you owe me, are you at the warehouse?"

"No, I was on a date. Pick me up at Connie's ice cream place," I say. Connie's ice cream place isn't that far away from this side of the beach. I just have to walk like a kilometer.

"Fine, I'll be there. Be glad you're my best friend," Emmett whispers on the other side of the call. As soon as he hangs up, I start walking. I almost feel bad for Kyle and how I left him. But I feel even worse at myself for falling for his trap, I'm probably made entertainment for Kyle and his soccer team.

Minutes past when I finally arrive at Connie's ice cream place. I see Emmet's mint green subaru parked in front of the shop and him leaning against the trunk with two cones of ice cream in each of his hands. I run up to him, getting closer and closer, he scrunched his eyebrow at the sight of me, he could see the distress in my face.

"What happened to you?" he asks, passing me one of the ice cream cones.

"Date disaster with Kyle."

He moves towards me, getting almost too close. Within a closer inspection he notices the slight discolor on my cheek.

"What the hell did Kyle do to you? tell me everything in the car and dare your Kenley ass leave a single detail in your date and I will hunt you down and feed you to the dogs." We both laugh at his statement, I, however wince at the pain from my bruise.

I told him everything that happened in the date, from the kissing to beating the crap out of Kyle until he's bruised and bloody.

"Hell! You left the the guy concussed and probably picking up his teeth off the sand on your first date?" Emmet's icy blue eyes bulged wide open, turning his head my direction.

"Hey, focus on the road! And yes, you know me. I may be nice but I don't do good around jerks."

"You sure do know how to fight back, Marissa Kenley."

A part of me felt extremely disturbed at the fact that I could even knock someone out and not realize it until it's done. And a part of me knows that no matter how many times Kyle pleaded for me to stop, in the moment, I'm someone else and everything logical in my mind had been occupied by pain and anger. I couldn't help but keep on doing something that feels good at the moment; beating Kyle Sommers.

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