Chapter Two: Pessimistic Débutante

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"Do you also plan to choose my future husband, Mother?" Gabby asked.

With her father's arm still wrapped around her shoulders, he gave her a gentle squeeze. She tipped her head back to look at his face.

"I understand your disgruntlement comes from this subject, however, I assure you, I will take part in the young bucks you meet. This season is for you to experience such activities. Your mother has encouraged you to come out the last two seasons, but I granted you a delay since you are content at home." Gabby's eyes sparkled with gratitude as she nodded. "Nevertheless, now that you have past your nineteenth year, your mother insists it is time for you to have a coming out."

Gabby knew her mother had to be placated. "I have attended the country balls, Papa, and the last soirée Mother held I took care of everything."

"A country party does not compare with the grand balls of London, my dear," her father proclaimed. "The guests are thrice as many. This experience will give you refinement."

"Or embarrass me and shame you," she mumbled with her eyes downcast. "There are gentlemen here in the country if I must marry."

"They are farmers, Gabriella," her mother complained.

"Titled gentlemen farmers, Mother. There is a difference."

"Do you expect to race through freshly plowed fields the men have worked for planting? What of maids to help you run a household? A farmer does not keep a large staff. You would be expected to do more than if you married a titled gentleman with means. Your father would not allow you to marry a man without wealth. I certainly would not entertain the thought. You will stop arguing and listen to reason. You've behaved like a hoyden for years now. The time has come for you to grow up and face your future. You are no longer a child."

"You will give me no choice?" Gabby asked her.

Her father interrupted before his wife could respond. "As I promised, you are not obligated to find a husband or marry anyone. But meeting the peerage is something you should do. Any suitor you wish to refuse, simply give me his name and I will strike him from the list."

The doubt and worry on her face brought his finger beneath her chin so she would look at him. "I would not wish to see one so precious be so unhappy. Nor would I force you into a marriage you would resent. The man who is fortunate enough to win you must appreciate all of your fine talents and abilities, or he shall not have you."

"You expect her to be able to judge the character of a man?" Lynette asked with astonishment. "What does she know? She has never been courted."

John dropped his hand from Gabby and joined them behind his back. "You know that she has been exposed to my business associates, and I have taught her how to read an honest man. Her judgment is sound. One day she may need to know how to help her husband as she has assisted me." His eyes were stern and Lynette snapped her mouth shut. "We will speak of this, Madam. Be assured, I will involve myself."

His attention returned to his daughter. "I have notified the staff to prepare the house in London for the season. We will leave in a few days to give you time to visit the modiste." He glanced down at her britches. "The elite do not gallivant in such attire as you have become accustomed. The boys will remain at home with the governess, so this charming costume will also stay behind. Though, you may pack your fencing equipment and attire. We may find you some new partners to best."

He waited for a smile but only received a small nod. "This trip will require fashionable riding attire. Ladies do not wear britches in Hyde Park. Do I make myself clear?" She nodded once again. "I have business to take care of, so the timing is good. Will you do this for me, Gabriella? I would also enjoy your company. The boys have been monopolizing your time of late."

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