14 | Unexpected

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A picture of William played by Jamie Bower is up !! Isn't he cutie?!!

Faith's POV :

I sigh, my shoulders slumping. My head is set on the palm of my hand, as I keep looking around the cafeteria for someone familiar I know. I'm bored out of my mind, sitting here all alone. Who wants to talk to me anyways? I push the thought of someone actually wanting to sit with me to the back of my mind, and groan in frustration.

I will beat the shit out of Zayn the next time I see him. Argh, how dare he leave me all day at school, all alone for a stupid doctor's appointment? Okay, maybe that was a bit selfish. But, still, it's really annoying when your friend does that.

I continue to let my gaze wander around the crowded room, kind of looking for a specific person. There's no sight of Harry whatsoever, and neither anyone of his group. It makes me wonder if they've ditched school again, or if they never showed up to school at all.

A hand on my shoulder catches me off guard by making me jolt in my seat. I turn around in my place, to surprisingly find William staring down at me with his warm blue eyes.

"William." I acknowledge him, letting out a breath.

"Hey," He smiles. "I saw you sitting alone, mind if I join you?"

"Not at all." I return the smile, kind of relieved and nervous at the same time.

William sets down his tray of food on the table, then takes a seat closely next to me. His scent starts filling up my nostrils, and I continue to smile. He smells nice.

I turn to look at him properly, and my breath gets hitched in my throat. His blonde hair is combed through, and styled in a quiff. His lip ring shines on his bottom lip, and the school uniform makes him look unexpectedly hotter than he already is.

I look slowly back up, to find him already staring at me with a hint of amusement hidden behind his blue orbs.

"What?" I can't help but smile.

"You're the one staring all this time, shouldn't the 'What' be for you?" William smirks, his tone playful. "I know I'm attractive, you don't have to admit that."

I roll my eyes, the smile never leaving my face. "Show off."

William laughs, then looks down at his food. "So, where's your little friend? Why're you alone today?"

"Oh, Zayn?" I ask, surprised that William even knows Zayn. "He's got an appointment today, he had to pass school for the day."

He hums, biting down on his apple. "You haven't eaten anything." He points, making me look briefly down at my tray that indeed hasn't been touched yet.

"You're stalking me?" I ask, surprised.

William's smirk only grows bigger at my question. "Your tray's still full." He answers, indirectly telling me that he wasn't. "But. . ." He trails, staring too long at my face with an unreadable expression which makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. "You're not a person someone can't admire or inspect."

My heart flutters at his words, the heat rising to my cheeks. That was nice. It makes me feel giddy inside that he said that, and by the looks he's giving me, it looks like he really meant it.

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