On These Wings

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So like, I finally got the first chapter finished. =) Enjoy.


Bolts of lightning rippled across a prematurely darkened sky. Thunder rumbled, its voice signalling the start of one of the grandest and most daring escapes that would be known to Chicias. An escape that would decide the land's fate.

Bright green eyes flashed as yet another bolt lit up the cells interior. Yes, he had everything. Now it was time to show the tyrannical dictator that had him imprisoned that the NDK where not going to be stopped be a few walls and guards. They would escape and they would liberate Rhythos, and then Chicias from Hyro's iron fist. No matter what Hyro thought he was not able to stop them with an army of puppets.

Another bolt split the skies. That was number 7, now it was time. Everything in this escape plan was hinging on the tiniest of details and everything being ready and timed. If one thing went wrong now then the entire plan could come crashing down around their ears and most of them would not still be alive to see the dawn of the next day. Drac ran towards the door, just as the iron bolt on the outside slid back. He was through the door in an instant, clouting the guard with a the only weapon he had at that moment - a plain iron bracket. The man clattered to the floor, head bloodied and Drac paused only to look around to locate his helper for the moment. He saw the other figure pressed against the wall, head peering round the corner to check that the coast was clear. Drac knew he was an ally, but didn't know who this person was. He didn't have time to think, because the next moment the figure was waving his hand at him, telling him to move and get to the next stage. Next stage. Armoury. If he was going to pull this off he was going to need some form of offensive. He sprinted off down the corridor, not thinking to relieve the felled guard of his sword.

Hyro's second in command was patrolling the corridors of some of the upper levels. Her brown eyes were hardened as she looked out of the window at the storm. This wasn't right, there shouldn't be a storm.

"Cirrus?" she sent telepathically. Her mental probe extended out to the blue dragon resting in her stable. Cirrus should have some answers.

"It's not natural, I can tell you that much." The dragoness had obviously read her rider's thoughts, and was already answering the unasked question. "Something or someone induced this storm."

"Can you identify the signature?" the woman asked, referring to the unique magical signature that someone left when they created something with magical aid. Not many could summon something like this, and there was always a motive behind something. She wanted to know who was responsible. There was a short pause, but the response came back negative.

"Not at this moment. But this was mage work, not dragon, and I don't think that they're allied with Hyro. Be careful about your next steps Taja," came the warning.

"I want you in the air, try and stop this before it gets out of control."

"Too late. This thing can't be stopped now." Taja swore at this latest news. This had to have been planned, and she had her suspicions. Whirling round on her heel, she began to stride back in the other direction. There was someone she needed to check on.

The rain had soaked everything, the ground as slippery beyond belief and visibility poor. It didn't affect Drac that much - he'd had plenty of experience of the Rythos tower before he'd turned against the sadistic dictator that was his father but it was highly possible that it would cause problems for some of the other escapes tonight. That was a detail that had been overlooked and shouldn't have been. Still, too late to worry about it now, they'd all just have to deal with it. Slinking along the wall Drac hoped that between a combination of the darkness and the lack of vigilance the guards showed would mean that he wasn't seen for the short time he was actually vulnerable. Luck it seemed though, was being fickle. A sudden shout went up, and a crossbow bolt went whizzing past him. Crap aim; that had missed him by miles! Not bothering with the sneaky approach anymore Drac picked up a run. A second bolt whizzed past him, much closer than the first, and already he could see people mobilising below. The alarm had spread quickly and was still going. Drac cursed under his breath, he could really do with Night right about now! He may only have been young but he would've been able to help. Experimentally he probed out with his mind, trying to feel the thoughts of the baby dragon but he got nothing in return. That wasn't good, that meant they were running behind schedule. He was snapped back to the present when a guard that had scaled the wall took a clumsy swing at him with the sword. Now he regretted having not picked up the other blade as he neatly sidestepped the swipe. Pivoting round he raised the bracket and yet again it found its mark, though this time the guard was crippled from a smashed shin. Snatching up the sword, Drac realised the poor quality that it was. The blade had no balance and was overly heavy, but it would have to do for now. Certainly until he managed to obtain something else. Taking a firm grip, he braced himself for the next lot of guards that had had the 'wise' idea to come and take him on atop the wall. Well, let them try and take him down. He could do with a work out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2010 ⏰

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