Chapter Two

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   Pheobe and Paige moved about the living room picking up the damaged remains of yet another battle; broken tables, vases, shelves, and glass. And of course as usual the clock in the hallway would need repaired. Pheobe groaned.

   "I really wish demons wouldn't attack us at home. It's expensive. And annoying. You'd think they'd have some basic human wait scratch that. It just adds insult to injury, sometimes literally." Pheobe made her point by lifting her now healed arm. Paige nodded her head throwing broken boards into the small trash can they had brought in. She looked around placing her hands on her hips.

   "Screw it. Let the object of objection become but a dream as I cause the seen to be unseen." Paige spelled, watching as the mess corrected itself putting everything back in its place as if it had never been broken. She held her hand up before Pheobe could reprimand her. "I know I know personal gain but I think we have more pressing issues like finding the demon before he comes back."

Pheobe nodded and they headed for the stairs that lead up to the second story of the manor and to the attic where they kept the Book. The amount of times they made that trip was astounding. Thankfully they had some slack now that they had their children to teach the craft to. They would one day take over the battle. But until then it was still their destiny. They were almost to the attic door when Pheobe's phone rang.

   "Hello this is Pheobe." Pheobe spoke cheerily into her phone waving Paige ahead. "Hi Elise, well I'm kind of busy can it...." Pheobe was cut off and she let out an exasperated sigh. Great, Pheobe thought. Just what I needed. "Sure Elise I'll be right in." Pheobe shut her phone and entered the attic. "That was Elise. She wants me to come in. Now. Apparently it's important and she wouldn't take no for an answer. What should I do?" Pheobe looked from Paige to Piper, who stood flipping through the pages in the Book.

   "Go. Paige and I can handle this. We haven't found the demon and I think we have some time until he comes back. If we need you I will send Paige to orb you home." Piper jumped slightly as Leo orbed in. "Damn it! All who orb in this house need bells!" Leo stepped back hands in the air. "Ok Pheobe you go, once we know more we will call you." Pheobe nodded and left the room.

   "Did you find anything?" Paige asked rubbing her head. She felt a massive headache coming on. Leo nodded and sat on the couch that stood off to the side of the podium where the Book sat.

   "The demons name is Kylix. He's the demon of Distraction," Leo paused as Piper flipped through the Book furiously.

   "Found it!" Piper shouted slapping her hand down on the page. "Kylix, the demon of Distraction. A high level demon often overlooked due to the nature of his victims. Kylix uses his power to distract his victims causing them to get into everyday accidents. His victims are often witches whose powers he steals after destroying them." Piper looked to Leo "So this demon makes people distracted so they'll what, walk into traffic?".

   "Exactly" Leo said. "He goes by unnoticed because people just assume it's a freak accident." Leo stood up and walked over to Piper putting his arms around her. She leaned into him and sighed. "Don't worry I'll take the boys to Magic School. They'll be safe." He leaned down kissing her on the forhead before orbing out.

   "Paige...." Piper stopped seeing Paige talking on her cellphone.

   "I miss you too honey! I will come over right now so we can have some alone time." Paige shut her phone and waved to Piper. Piper opened her mouth to speak but before she could Paige orbed out leaving Piper alone in the house.

   "What the....What about the demon?" She shouted hearing no one in reply she threw her hands in the air. "Well that's just great." Shaking her head Piper read over the instructions for the vanquishing potion and got to work.

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