Chapter Three

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    Pheobe swung open the doors of The Bay Mirror, the paper where she worked as an advice columnist. Elise had sounded frantic on the phone, which wasn't like her at all. On some level Pheobe believed this was it. Elise had finally gotten tired of her having to run off or disappear during important meetings. She was going to be fired. Pheobe took a deep breath and went straight to Elise's office to find her boss pacing the floor.

    "Elise what's going on what's wrong?" Pheobe asked grabbing her boss by the shoulders, worried she was having a break down. Elise beamed at Pheobe taking her by surprise, she grabbed Pheobe's hand and led her to the chair at her desk. Sitting her down Elise stepped back.

    "I have some news. Big news. I have thought this over extensively. Pheobe, I have decided to retire." Elise rushed, the words spilling from her mouth as if she'd been holding it in and was unable to breathe. Elise sat down across from Pheobe noting the shocked look on her face and knew that this news had stunned her. After all, Elise was nothing but her work. And that had become a problem. She spent all her time at the paper which left little time for a personal life. She had never mastered balancing her work and personal life. Not like Pheobe had. That is why she called Pheobe in. Pheobe was the only person she trusted with this.

    "But Elise you love this paper! It's your baby!" Pheobe said, her own emotions spiralling out of control. What would she do? Her column meant everything to her. Without it she couldn't help her readers. Who knew what type of person would run this paper next. She prayed it wasn't someone like Spencer Ricks the sexist pig. She dropped her head into her hands feeling a panic attack coming on. She had worked so hard to seperate her wiccan life from her more personal life. The paper was the only place where she wasn't Charmed she was just Pheobe. It was her normalcy.

    "I want you to take my place." Those seven words flipped Pheobe's world upside down. Her head snapped up to stare at Elise. She tried to speak but couldn't get any words to come out. Elise stood once again pacing, she looked to Pheobe.

    "Without you this paper wouldn't be where it is today. Every single day I see your devotion to your readers. Even after all the weird happenings and family emergencies. You are the heart and soul of this paper Pheobe. I can't think of a better person to take my place in running this paper. I know it's a huge responsibility and you're the only one I trust to take it on." Elise sat back down. She looked at Pheobe sitting at her desk and knew she had made the right choice.

    "Elise I don't know what to say. Are you sure? This is a huge decision." Pheobe didn't know what else to say. She was truly speechless. Never had she thought that this was what Elise needed to speak to her about. Of course Pheobe had always wondered what it would be like to run the paper, even had a taste of it when Elise had her own "Family emergency". She had found it stressful but oddly satisfying. But to truly run the paper? That was something she could only dream of. Pheobe thought back to her first day at the paper and everything she had been through since then. And she realized. She could do this.
    "Elise it means so much to me that you would choose me to carry on your legacy at this paper. And if you're sure I would be so greatful and do my best to make you proud!" Pheobe stood up tears in her eyes and hugged Elise. Elise was more than her boss she was her friend. Someone who understood a side of Pheobe that not many people got to see.

    Elise hugged Pheobe back and took a deep breath. "Then it's settled. I will be finishing out the week here getting everything in order. And then she's all yours. Take the day off and share the news with your family. I expect you in tomorrow." Elise waved Pheobe off and she left her office stunned. Me? Running the paper? Please don't let me disappoint her. Pheobe thought as she left Elise's office and The Bay Mirror.

    Paige orbed into the apartment she shared with her husband Henry to find him placing lunch at the dining table. He had lit candles and set the scene similar to how she had when she revealed to him that she was a witch. When she had finally realized that she was deeply in love with this man. She remembered the utter fear she had felt thinking he would reject her. Be terrified of her. Instead, he accepted her in all that she was, though it took some time for him to fully understand what it meant to be in love with a witch. She just wished he wasn't so stubborn and repeatedly tried to protect her, getting hurt in the process.

    "Oh Henry it's beautiful!" Paige cried throwing herself into his arms. He smiled down at her, leaning in to kiss her passionately. He turned her in his arms so that her back was against his chest. They swayed to the soft music playing in the background simply loving each others company.

    Since the kids had been born they hadn't gotten much time alone. Which was to be expected, especially since the kids were showing developing powers. Nothing like a panic attack when one of your children orb out when having a tantrum. Henry couldn't count the times he thought he would go crazy with worry. Thank God they never went very far. Usually to one of the aunts or Magic School.

    Paige moved away from Henry sitting down at the table marveling at the feast he had prepared for her. It was her favorite. Garlic roasted chicken with scalloped potatoes, green beans, and sweet rolls. She inhaled a deep breath and let a slight moan escape her lips. She heard Henry chuckle as he moved in to sit beside her at his own plate. They ate in silence enjoying the meal when suddenly little Henry orbed into the living room.

    "Little Henry! What are you doing here?!" Paige exclaimed standing up from the table, Henry following suit. Paige walked over to her little boy and picked him up placing him on her hip. Little Henry giggled and hugged Paige around the neck reaching out a little arm towards his daddy.

    "Mommy, me was bored. I already know how to use my powers and the teachers keep saying same thing over and over!" Little Henry pouted snuggling into Paige. Henry laughed grabbing him from her arms.

    "Buddy you have to go back. I know sometimes it isn't fun but you need to listen to your teachers. One day you will see that they're right and you'll be thankful for them saying the same thing over and over."
    Henry sat his little boy on the floor. "Now off with you, and apologize for orbing out. It's not nice" Little Henry stomped his foot and looked to his mom who nodded in agreement.

    "Fine. But I don't like it!" He orbed out with all the indignation he could muster. Hands on hips. Paige laughed suddenly. She couldn't help but think how like her he was when she had just learned about her powers. Everyone was always telling her the same things over and over. Telling her what was and was not ok. But she had to learn and so did he.

    Paige's phone rang and she looked at the caller ID rolling her eyes. She debated answering it or not when Henry snatched the phone from her flipping it open.
    "Hello it's Henry," He listened intently watching Paige rubbing her head. "Sure I'll tell her, ok you too!" Henry hung up the phone and handed it back to Paige. "Piper said she has the potion done? What's going on Paige?" He took her hand and led her to the couch. "She wants you home." His eyebrows rose in question.

    "It's nothing just another demon," Paige sighed leaning back against the cushions. "And here I thought I'd have a decent weekend off." Paige orbed out without a word leaving Henry confused.

    Piper flipped her phone shut and headed downstairs to wait for her sisters. She had called Pheobe moments before calling Paige to let her know that the vanquishing potion was ready and that she needed to get home in case the demon attacked.

    As Piper stepped down from the stairs she felt a wave of dizziness pass over her staggering her, she gripped the banister for support shaking her head.

    Weird Piper thought, regaining her balance. She walked though the dining room and into the kitchen, deciding to make something to eat. Perhaps thats why she felt off. Piper opened the fridge scanning over the contents.

    "Perhaps I will make the whole family a meal, after all you can't battle evil on an empty stomach!" Piper set out several ingrediants and got to work. Her inner chef coming out. After so many years of constant demon attacks, Piper hadn't been able cook like she once had. She needed to make more time for it now that she had more time on her hands. Demon all but forgotten Piper set out to make an amazing meal.

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