Chapter 35: The Fall

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We've finally reached it folks: the chapter you've all been waiting for. This is gonna be the third-last chapter of this book and I just want to say thank you for everyone who's stuck around this long. I know this story's kinda been shit recently (and I apologize profusely for that) but that just makes me love and appreciate y'all even more.
Lina's POV
It all felt surreal to be honest, like I was dreaming or maybe in another mental-link world like the training excessive the original team went through all those years ago. I took a deep breath as I wrapped the elastic around the end of my braid; keeping the hairs together, before pushing the strands over my shoulder. I was never a fan of cutting my hair, which probably explained why the braid traveled all the way down to the small of my back; but part of my mind wondered if I'd someday actually end up cutting it, like M'gann did after Marie Logan passed away. Only I don't think I'd be able to pass off a pixie cut...

"You ready for this?" Dick asked, stepping closer to me. To say things between us were still tense would be a major understatement, but for the sake of the mission we were able to keep things civil to a degree.

"Are Maia and the others in disguise and in position?" I asked, giving one last tug on the fabric belt wrapped around my waist. The golden insignia glinted in the low lighting of the bio-ship. Dick nodded and I returned the gesture.

"Wow, it's weird to be back in this thing..." Wally's voice caught out attention and both of us turned to see our ginger speedster standing in his Kid Flash costume, staring at his arms like they weren't his own. "I forgot home weird this material is..."

"It looks a little weird on a fully grown man." I observed, studying Wally's yellow and red-clad body. "What happened to the scrawny kid?" Both boys seemed a little surprised at my teasing, which caused me to raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"Nothing." They both said, turning their gazes away from me. I simply shrugged and slid on my shoulder-length gloves, completing my preparation to crash the Light and the Reach's summit.

I was honestly ready to jump into position when Ra's Al Ghul ripped off Artemis' magic charm, the one that made her appear to be the assassin 'Tigress'. This was the point of no return: do or die. If we messed anything up after this, we'd all be dead.

"Artemis." Savage growled.

"I don't understand." The Reach's ambassador spoke. "I thought Artemis is dead."

"So did we all." Savage said, obviously pissed. "But it would seem Tigress is Artemis."

"This is a glamour charm." Ra's Al Ghul said, holding the yellow gem that had once hung from Artemis' neck. "Created, I'd wager, by Zatanna or Doctor Fate to hide Artemis' true identity."

"But Kaldur'ahm killed Artemis." The Ambassador exclaimed. "If she lives in his lieutenant. Then that means..."

"That means Aqualad duped them all!" Black Beetle declared. "Even his own father."

The Ambassador tensed up and let out a low growl. "Kill them both."

Black Beetle stepped forward, his arms turning into two large blades. But surprisingly enough, Black Manta stepped forward; blocking Kaldur and Artemis from the alien warrior.

"No!" The Atlantean villain countered. "You will not kill my son."

If I wasn't so nervous, I'd be...impressed. Even at a time like this, Black Manta still referred to Kaldur as his son; I see where he gets his fierce loyalty to those he loves.

"He's right." My attention is grabbed as Deathstroke speaks up before raising his gun. With two loud, sharp bangs I feel my breath stop, and Kaldur and Artemis' bodies fall to the ground. "The Light takes care of it's own."

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