White obsidian walked me to a large circular building,"what is this place?" I asked him,"your home for the next few days, and since it's late...it's time for what humans call...sleep." I was confused,"wha-" a sharp pain went across the back of my head and everything went black. I woke up in a rectangular holding cell and across from me was green Sapphire,"hello again, I was put in here to make sure you do not try and escape, despite my efforts of convincing them that there was no way you could, I've thought of hundreds of ways you could, they all ended in failure." I just smiled,"it's honestly fine with me, as long as my love and my friends are safe." She looked at me confused,"what's... love?" I thought for a moment for an answer, "honestly...all I can tell you is that when you feel it...it's like nothing you've ever experienced, it's magical." She smiled, "I hope to soon have that feeling one day." I looked up and saw only bars and a dim light shining through them,"so I'm guessing this is where I'm going to stay for a while?" She lost her smile and nodded and I lost mine as well, I sighed. I looked up and pictured blue pearl sitting there...alone...I miss her and I knew she along with the rest of the Crystal gems must miss me to.
*Blue pearl POV*
I looked out into the starry night hoping that obsidian was ok on home world,"blue? Are you ok?" I wiped my tears and looked at Steven,"y-yes... actually...no...I'm worried Steven... worried and afraid. I'm afraid that obsidian might not come back..." Tears streamed down my face and I felt Steven hug me,"it'll be fine, he'll find a way back, I know it." I hugged him back and wiped my tears,"thank you Steven." I looked back through the window,"I hope you're alright my dear..."
*Obsidian POV*
"Can I call you Sophi?" I asked,"why?" She said "it's better than calling you green Sapphire all the time I guess." She nodded,"I see nothing wrong with it. I saw the two outcomes and they were both equally positive." I just put my head back the sky now full of stars,"what is sleep?" I heard Sophi say,"you just relax your body, close your eyes and from there I don't know." "Hm..." She lied down on her back, let out a long breath and within a short time I saw her chest rise and fall,"huh...that's fast..." She suddenly reminded me of Asami. Memories of her, Teruko, and blue pearl. I looked back up into the night sky as a single tear went down my cheek.
I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I don't know if I slept or just closed my eyes but the next thing I knew white banged on my cell door,"wake up! It's time for your first match today." I heard cheering and loud applause,I also heard them chanting,"JAS-PER!! JAS-PER!!" Jasper? Isn't she corrupted back on earth? White led me down a corridor and to an elevator,"she's really putting on a show." I looked out and I realized where I was. "The gem combat arena? I thought it was torn down." White laughed,"I'm just that special to have it brought back. Where do you think I trained all these years?" White undid my cuffs and I looked up to see my opponent.
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White looked at me,"what do you think?" I looked him"She's different from the one on Earth that's for sure." He just laughed,"that's right, I heard she got turned into some sort of beast." I wanted to stay something until he pushed me further into the ring and began to shouting at the crowd,"GEMS FROM HOME WORLD! ARE YOU READY FOR THE NEXT EXCITING MATCH?!" the crowd erupted in cheers,"THEN PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR A THE NEXT COMPETITOR TO ENTER THE RING!" he kicked me inside right in the middle and Jasper only grinned widely,"this'll be a breeze." She said,"INTRODUCING THE VILE! THE BLOODTHIRSTY! OBSIDIAN!!" The crowd cheered and jeered at the mention of my name,"and before the match starts obsidian, we play by the ancient human rules." I had to ask,"what kind of human?" "The ones they used to call Romans." Oh boy. I've learned about the Romans and how they were fierce warriors who knew no bounds and were incredible strategists,"oh boy...so does that mean?" "That's right boy, thumbs up, you or the Jasper live, thumbs down, well you get the idea." White jumped up onto the balcony and sat in a large chair,"you may begin!" I looked back at Jasper who rammed her body into mine sending me flying into the wall,"ow! Well...I guess that's a start." I summoned a shield blocking her attacks,"FIGHT BACK!!" I kept blocking and summoned a net. As she lifted her axe I threw my net around her feet and pulled hard,"what the?!" She fell hard onto her back. I dragged her to the center,"what are you doing?" I began to spin gaining momentum getting faster and faster,"PLEASE...STOP!! I GIVE..!! I GIVE!" I threw her into the same wall she slammed me into. She groaned as she got up,"ow...my head" she said,"NOW! FOR THE DECISION!" White said as he neared the edge of his booth and held out his thumb sideways, I looked over at the Jasper, she was terrified. "Come on...you're not that cruel..." I whispered he put his thumb up and Jasper let out a relaxed breath, I walked over and helped her out of the net,"what are you doing? You won that should be enough for you." I let out a small laugh,"you're alive, that's all I care about. And besides you look like you needed help." I got up and left I heard her say thank you in a quiet voice. I walked to the elevator and made my way down to my cell,"obsidian..." I heard White's voice,"that was your first of three, so don't forget to make it nice and entertaining. I just gave that Jasper some pity because your fight was so quick." I looked at him as he came out of a dark corner of the elevator. He led me to my cell where Sophi waited for me,"hello again obsidian." "Get some rest, tomorrow is a big day." White said walking away. Whatever was gonna happen I'd be ready.
A/N: Hi guys sorry for the late update. I was really busy with college and stuff. So yeah hopefully I can update some more and everything. Thank you!