Co-parenting 3⃣

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Algee's p.o.v

"Algee. You shouldn't have done that!" Fancy assured through gritted teeth as she gathered her belongings.

She'd cleaned up the spilled wine and broken glass mess while I'd attended to Nyla's care. I'd came back downstairs to see her initially trying to clean/cover the huge wet stain that covered the couch. However, she was quickly frustrated with the lack of results and just gave up before cleaning the other mess that was made. Now she was trying to make it her priority to get her things, so she could get away from me as soon as possible.

"Why not?" I ask in confusion as she tried to storm past me and to the door.

I quickly grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her in front of me. She snatched away from me and sighed.

"Because! Algee, do you not understand that what we just did was wrong! We're both in relationships and you just performed oral sex on me! How do you not see the problem in that?" She asks with tears flooding her eyes.

A wave of guilt fell over me as she began crying. I stood closer to her and brought my hands to her face to wipe away her tears.

"Baby, don't cry." I spoke while wiping a tear that slipped out of her right eye.

"I don't know. It's just- well, I don't know. I just wasn't thinking." I responded to her question with a shrug.

"Yeah. You think?" Fancy asks while sniffing.

I forgot how much of a big heart she has. She's the biggest sweetheart once you get to know her.

"Baby, look, don't cry. This was my fault. I shouldn't have given in to temptation and put you in a bad situation. I was just caught up in the moment, and we had such a great day together. I guess I just got ahead of myself. I'm sorry." I assured while placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

She stayed quiet and allowed more tears to fall out of her eyes. I embraced her in a tight bear hug and caressed her back for a few moments. I pecked the top of her head before pulling back just enough to look in her eyes. I used my finger to lift her chin forcing her to look up at me.

"You forgive me, babe?" I ask once her eyes connected with mine.

Fancy quickly realized our standing position and stepped out of my embrace.

"No. See-Algee, this is part of the problem! The love and attention you're trying to give me- I don't need that anymore! In fact, I don't want that from you at all anymore." She hesitantly assured the last sentence making me become enraged.

"And why the fuck not? Isn't that all you wanted when we were together?!" I yelled down at her.

She looked at me as if I'd lost my mind before getting in my face and yelling right back at me.

"And isn't that exactly what you refused to give me when we were together? Huh? Isn't that why we're just co parents now?! Because you didn't give me the one thing I asked for which was a stable family!?" She exclaimed making me get quiet.

I sighed in frustration as she had me stuck. I didn't know what to say in response because she was completely right.

"Exactly! You didn't want to be one hundred percent committed and tied down to your family! You just had to go out every other night with your friends! You just had to have me up all night worried about you and never think to call me! You just had to leave me 8 months pregnant and alone at home, so you could go out and party! You just had to let me take care of a newborn baby as if I was a single parent! Y-You just couldn't give up your childish lifestyle for me nor Nyla, could you?!" Fancy exclaimed as more tears flooded her eyes.

Algee Smith & Keith Powers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now