Chapter 8

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Hello, dear readers! I am back with another chapter! It is not as EPIC as some hoped but I tried. Hope you like it!!! (^-^) Also thank you for reading it and your support!!!

In this chapter there are many different point of views! Try not to get lost!! :D




Umeko's pov

Where is he? Where is he hiding? My search for the Colourless King continues. Kaito went with Ryou to look what HOMRA is doing and what's their next move. I know that they are following Yashiro Isana, thinking that he is the one they are looking for. What I have gathered is that this young man is not the Colourless King but I get this feeling that I know him somehow. I hear quiet footsteps coming towards me. I don't even turn around, knowing who it was

"Yes, Hideki?" I ask from the silent male and slowly turn to face him. He is carrying his katana that I gave him.


"Again! You can do this, Hideki! I believe in you..." I say to the 18-year-old boy with long black hair. He tries to attack again but I deflect it. His grip on the wooden katana is growing weaker and weaker. He pants from the exercise and I can see the sweat gluing his long onyx bangs to his forehead.

"I c-can't!" he exclaims and falls on his knees.

"Hideki..." I place my fingers gently on his cheek making him look up. I smile to him and hold my hand out to help him up. He takes it after few minutes.

"It is just the beginning of the road. One does not simply give up after first try..." I assure him and pat on his back. He nods and starts to walk away with a slight limp.

"Also I have been extra hard on you so there is no need to feel disappointed! I am the Purple King after all! " I call after him and he turns around. I walk towards him and motion for him to follow me. We walk to my room while he looked confused.

"I have something for you... I hope you'll like it..." I say and open one of my many drawers. In there are I hold my weapons and Hideki's eyes widen. I give him a purple hilted katana and he takes it with surprise.


"It is yours to keep..."

"Thank you, Ume- I mean King!" he rubs his neck because of the mishap.

"Umeko is fine, Hideki. Don't worry!" I smile at him and he smiles back.


"When will I go? Everyone, even Natsuko, has gone out," he speaks standing straighter and watching me with calculative eyes. I smirk at him.

"I wanted to call you few seconds ago. I have a mission for you.."

Izumo's pov

"What are we gonna do now?" Yata asks from me after a few minutes of our target got saved by the Black Dog and the mysterious boy's appearance. I sight and take out my phone.

"We'll go with plan B."

"What about Infinity?" Kamamoto asks and walks closer.

"I already sent a message to Eric. He is tracking and looking for them."

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