Chapter 12

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Hello! ^.^ How are you? I'm back with another chapter and I really hope you like it! Chapter 13 will come badass... I hope... I think... Maybe... Maybe not... well your going to decide!





Izumo's pov

I hear the doorbell ring followed by clicking of heels. I smirk knowing who just came in and hold myself so I seem to be unware of my surroundings.

"I know it is early but may I come in?" Seri Awashima... the Blue King's clansman. I look at her and smirk wider.

"How can I possibly refuse such a beautiful lady... of course," I flirt a little knowing how to get under her skin. She smiles at me and takes a seat.

"So what can I get for you Seri Awashima, Lieutenant of Scepter 4 also known as the Heartless Woman?" She glares at me.

"That's enough! And please stop sharing that name with your gang!" I rise my hands and give her an innocent look.

"But you know it's true~" I singsong at her making her sight. I won...

"Fine! A martini please with some red bean paste!" I cringe t the order in disgust. How can a woman stunning as her eat something so disgusting!

"That's one thing I'll never love about you, Seri.." I tell her sadly and she seems happy with that. She takes a sip then stares at me while stirring her drink with a straw.

"What do you think the Red King is planning?" So that's why she came here!

"Ohh.. that's right! He's still locked up, isn't he! Is he giving you a hard time?" I jokingly say and by the look in her eyes she doesn't think it's funny.

"You seem very calm, my friend. After all, your King is the prisoner of another King.. Tell me what you boys are up to," she slightly begs. I look at her confused.

"Hold on! What makes you say that we're up to something?"

"You're acting so casually right now.. You do know what's going on don't you?" She questions and I try not to look at her.

"What do you mean?"

"The Red King's sword... You know what will happen if it falls."

"You mean Kagutsu incident? Well that's disturbing thought!" I finally look at her and see her watching my reactions.

"A King is powerful... We don't need another incident that will change Japans demography..."

"That's why it's a good thing that you're holding him! We have some other issues right now.." I blurt out and after realising what I just said I busied myself with polishing another glass hoping that Seri didn't catch it... I was wrong.

"What issues?" I lean closer to her with stern gaze and she looks taken aback. I put away the glass and my rag before taking out my cigarettes. Lighting one I take a drag.

"Yata called with Tatara... They found something- no someone..." Seri looks at me with interest I shake my head slowly.

"So he is up and walking... good to know! What did they found?" She sips her drink, almost finishing it while I ruffle my hair in stressed manner.

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