Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - with Zayn, Liam, Louis, Harry

It was almost 10 am and Simon and the boys were waiting anxiously for the call that they knew was coming but one that they were dreading. The boys were holding each other’s hands for comfort, while Simon opted to sit alone trying to think of what exactly to do.

The phone rang almost instantly after the clock struck 10 making them all jump as it filled the silence that had encroaching on them while waiting. All of them had gotten up to answer the phone but it was actually answered it.

“Hello.” Simon said, and then there was silence while whoever was on the other end talked. Simon then put the phone on speaker. “Okay you’re on speaker.”

“Listen very carefully to what I am about to say and do exactly as I say because I am not going to repeat myself and you are going to do it if you ever want to see your little friend. Go on to your fan mail website find the one sent by and click on the link.” With that the man was gone. As soon as he had started saying what do to, all of the boys literally ran to the laptop that was closest and logged onto their fan mail site and looked up the gmail account. As soon as they found it the worry and anxiousness increased tenfold. All their hands started to shake as they put the laptop on the table so that they could all see it. It was Zayn who clicked on the link. Their breaths all caught when they saw what had appeared on the screen.

Niall looked so small and helpless that it broke their hearts. They were so sad that this had all happened in the first place, worried for Niall and angry at the man that had done a once over on Niall. However they were also just relieved to see that he was alive.

“Oh my gosh Niall what have they done to you?” Liam asked 

“It’s not as bad as it looks” Niall replied so quietly that they could barley hear him. He tried to smile but it looked painful because it looked the man had almost broken his jaw and that it hurt to try.

“Your little boyfriend here decided that after I had been so nice and untied him, on the condition he didn’t do anything stupid, decided to put up a bit of a fight and kicked me in the groin but I showed him just who’s boss around here.” The man said sounding very happy with himself, that it made the boy fill like they wanted to show this man just who were the bosses around here. 

“When we get our hands on you, you are so going to pay for what you have done to our poor, sweet, innocent Niall.” Louis said, with an evil glint in his eyes, which was mirrored in the rest of the guys’ eyes as well.

“Now calm down boys.” Simon said putting a hand on Louis shoulder to try and calm him down and it did work, if only a little. ”Now what is it exactly that you want?”

That was the question they all wanted to know the answer to.

Seeing as this is quite a short I did another chapter and will upload it later today :) Hope you like it and tell me what you think ♥

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