Pt XIII-The riding lesson

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Shivanna woke up early and decided to make the boys breakfast. She was joined by Harris while the french toast was cooking and coffee brewing.
"Dont you look refreshed and beautiful this morning. Last night was really nice, all of us getting to know each other. I think ill ask Master Garrett if we could have 1-2 nights a month for just the 3 of us to hang out, as long as everyone has been on their best behavior. What do you think Shivanna?" Smiling shivaana answered, "i would really like that, i think it would bring us closer as a family."
"Hey! I smell something delicious in here. And i love french toast" complimented Rowan as he came into the kitchen. Over breakfast they discussed Harris's idea and all agreed how nice it would be.
After cleaning up after breakfast Harris announced, "Shivanna, its play room time for you, then rowan. Actually lets do it all at once to get it over with." Rowan and the girl looked at each other surprised as play room time has never been shared. In fact they hadnt even thought about the fact Harris would be administering their "play time". Neither of them said anything of course and both men followed the girl downstairs. Shivanna never thought rowan was still recieving daily attention like her.
"Rowan you go to the cross, in fact buckle your own ankles in. Shivanna..hmmm...the bench. I will get you all situated." Both of them went to their respected places. Shivanna went ahead and bent over the padded bench and rowan proceeded to half way buckle himself to the cross, facing the cross itself. Shivanna arms layed flush against the diagonal front legs of the bench and her legs spread the width of the "o" rings bolted to the floor. "I will be back in a moment rowan, let me get our sis started" as he finished up securing rowan. Rowan could only nod since his mouth was covering the protruding gag in front of him.
"Ok lets get you all secured. Master didnt go into great detail, but i do know you are to be flogged everyday. I may mix a little variety though to make it interesting. (Tap tap) Good you have your plug in." "Yes im to always have it in Harris." What neither rowan or Shivanna could see was how much Harris was enjoying his new duties. He then walked to the hanging floggers and then to one of the drawers and retrieved something extra. He walked and knelt behind Shivanna, his hand slipping in between her spread thighs. A cool object was pressed up between her moisten lips and left there. She didnt say a thing. "Ok, im not sure which flogger he uses so i just picked one. I will only administer 30 lashes. Now be a good girl and count and do not cum." Quickly the egg was turned to high inside her and the first of 30 stripes landed .. landed right between her cheeks. She cried out as this was not expected then whimpered "1". Harris traced his finger along each reddened welt after leaving it on her bare skin which made getting to 30 a very long process. The girl was slightly confused on how cruel Harris seemed to be. But then thought maybe he doesnt have much experience in giving only receiving.
"You did very well shivanna. Stay here and relax until im finished with rowan."
As he approached rowan from behind he reached up into his crevice only to find no plug. "Rowan you are missing something back here.Master did not mention you not having to where one.(retrieves a medium size plug, spits on it then using one fluid thrust fills the empty cavity.)" Rowan moans against the gag as he is unable to explain that he was given a reprieve from the toy for these 2 weeks.
"Now you are ready. I will use the heavy flogger on your back and the crop on your ass. 30 for you too." The session started quickly and was over before rowan could catch his breath from the stinging crop. "Now relax until i get back." Harris exited thru a side door into the observation room. He had never been on this side of any of the toys, and found that he enjoyed it extremly. He stood and stared at both at them, their red marks, their bodies in general. He decided he would let himself enjoy it this one time. As he stared he began to stroke his erection. It really did not take long to hit his peak. After cleaning up he returned to the main room, his excitment not showing as before. After releasing both of them rowan spoke up. "Harris Master gave me a 2 week vacation from the plug, thats why it wasnt in there. Please remove it." "Are you sure? He never said anything to me about it. ...Ok...ill take it out." Rowan bent over as Harris quickly removed it from his hole. "Ok get everything cleaned up and put away then do your morning routine. " Both rowan and shivanna wanted to ask each other about Harris's conduct but decided not to.
The inspections went off without any discrepancies.
Harris left to tend to the vehicles and Rowan went to the barn and told vanna to meet him in an hour. With nothing to do she decided to soak in the jacuzzi to relax before her 1st lesson. She didnt even know she had dozed off until rowan gently woke her as he was knelt right beside her. "Hey sleepy head, its time for you to learn to ride." Shivanna couldnt speak or think straight as the 1st thing she saw was rowans penis hanging right in front of her, he seemed oblivious to the fact. He reached his hand out to help her out the water and draped a towel over her shoulders. "Dry completely so the hay and dirt doesnt cling to you. Ill meet you at the barn" Rowan quickly turned away as he thought about what he just did. He hadnt meant to flaunt himself in front of her. He was just so relaxed around her.
Shivanna jogged into the barn calling out Rowans name as she didnt see him. "Back in the stall vanna." She was excited to get to do something new. At times she hot tired of the almost same routine everyday.
Rowan was standing on the opposite side of the pretend horse. "Ok lets go over some basics. Please never approach your horse from behind. They have a tendancy to kick back towards movement behind them. Now when you mount your horse it will always be from the left side, and i never want you to try to mount without my assistance. You getting hurt is not an option. You will learn to ride bareback. You will get use to the sensations" Shivanna nodded to everything she was being told. "Ok come around this side. You will always use a mounting block. It makes it easier and safer. But for the sake of ole SeeSaw here you will just grab ahold of his "mane" (a handtowel affixed to the "neck" of the horse) and then swing your right leg over his back. Ok give it a try" Shivanna did exactly as told and she landed on SeeSaws back. "Hey i did it!" she beamed. "You did great...a natural. OK ..back straight, hold the reins just like this, now kind of bounce up and down in a slow rhythm, because a horse moves in a rhythm." She gripped the reins and bounced awkwardly. " loosen your grip. Ok follow me and you do the same." Rowan acted like he was on a horse and slowly bounced up and down. Vanna watched and did just like him. She finally got it right at the same time she also felt the pressure where she was bouncing. Over and over..up and down...she tried to re-adjust in mid bounce and almost slid off SeeSaws back. Rowan caught her just in time. "Ok i think your "girl" has had enough for right now. Ok grip the mane and let your left leg slide down and your right follow until you feel the block. Of course we cant really do it like this now but at least you have an idea." Shivanna swung her right leg off of her "horse" and stood next to rowan. She turned and hugged him tightly." Thank you i know im going to love riding!" He took her by the hand and led her to the washroom. "After each ride i want you to come in here and wash up. Your body will slightly deceive you and plus the sweat and horse hair." He tirned the water on and handed her a rag and soap then left her to her privacy.
Rowan was not sure he would be able to continue the lessons with her. Just the sight of her bouncing on SeeSaw, knowing she was enjoying it so much was almost too much for him. He knew that neither of them could afford to get in that type of relationship. "Ok all done" as his thoughts were interrupted. "Well you can help me out here if you want or if you have something else to do thats fine also." "I think ill help since you are helping me. Show me what to do." Rowan showed her where the grain was kept and how much each horse was given. He left her to it as he mucked out the soiled stalls and layed fresh hay down. When she was finished he asked her to bring in Penny and Neo as their stalls were finished. As she waited for the others she decided to lay on a pile of fresh hay, once again she dozed off. Rowan thought in his best interest he would let her sleep then covered her bare skin with a blanket. She couldnt believe that she slept again when rowan woke her.

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