Pt XVIII- Guilty Fire

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Rene and Shivanna stayed at the hotel. Rene could not stop crying. All Shivanna knew so far was that there was a phone call and the mansion was on fire.
A helicopter was waiting for Master and Rowan atop the Hyatt, otherwise it would take hours for them to get there.
All Shivanna could do was hold her Miss. The news kept giving updates on the fire on Garrett Island. Nothing was being said about Harris or the cook.

When Master and Rowan arrived at the Mansion it was totally ablazed. The animals had been moved to a safe place in case it spread to the barn. Master asked about Harris and their cook. He was pointed over to the medical staff. He saw the cook, receiving oxygen but Harris was nowhere.
"Gladys! Are you hurt, burnt?"
" Sir...too much smoke. I was asleep and i heard glass breaking, by that time my room...(cough..cough) was filled with smoke. It was so hard to see."
Master pulled her into his arms. He was so happy she was ok. "Harris?"
"I dont know Sir. I saw him earlier walking to and from the garage many times with containers, but he never came in to eat."
He had a very unsettling feeling about this whole ordeal.
Master called  rene to update them. He was glad he didnt let rene talk him into coming with them.
"Master, can i go tend to the horses? I know they have to be frightened."
"Go ahead Rowan, nothing we can do here but wait."
Master Garrett sat beside Gladys and waited. The fire was all that was left of their mansion. Instead of seeing windows, the roof, or the entryway -you saw Fire.
Once the flames were pretty much exhausted the Fire Chief came to talk to Garrett.  It seems that one body had been found in the basement (play room). Garrett let the FC know it had to be Harris his driver. He told him what Gladys relayed earlier about Harris and the containers.
"Mr Fleming, what are we going to do. Everything was lost in the fire?" Gladys started crying and coughing. He tried to calm her down.
"Gladys we are going to get you up into the MedAFlight and get you to the hospital." advised an EMT. Garrett was provided all the info for the hospital, gave Gladys a hug and told her either rene or himself would be coming to the hospital.
The fire had been out for a few hours when Master saw Rowan leading the horses back to their barn. He walked over knowing he needed to tell him about Harris.
"He did this Master? Omg...noo....He was wrong so he did this?? I feel nothing for him, he didnt even think about Gladys just himself again." Master saw the tears begin to fall on his smokey cheeks. Master pulled him into his body hugging him fiercly which triggered bis own emotions...Harris, his Mansion....gone. They both stood next to an open stall crying for their loss, anger  sadness.
Just as these emotions were boiling another snuck in as Master urged his pet to his knees. "Rowan take care your Master. Right now all i want to do is kill Harris, but he took that from me too. Take this anger away Rowan..." Rowan went to work quickly , anything for his Master, especially right now. He knew this was going to be a very vicious use of his mouth and was ready for it.
Master grabbed the side of Rowans head, forced him to lean back on his heels pinning his head against the wall and began his thrusting. Rowan could do nothing but take what was given. His mouth used over and over. Grunts and moans coming from both equally. Finally Master thrust as deep as he could and the anger and uncertainty filled rowans throat and then swallowed away.
Master helped his pet up as he was unsteady on his legs now.
"Im sorry if i was brutal pet. You helped me so much." After cleaning up in the wash room Master started making arrangements for the horses to be ferried out, but it would be 3 days before it could happen.
Only a small crew of police and firemen remained, investigating.
"Master...where are we going to live?"
"Rowan that is no problem. We have many homes, this was our favorite. We will rebuild but we will probably go to our home in the mountains. A change of sceneray will be good right now. Go ahead and get the horses settled and ill be back...again thank you Rowan."  Master walked away as Rowan brought Neo out of his stall to wash the smoke from his coat. He did this with each of the horses.

The phone rang and Shivanna answered as her Mistress had finally fallen asleep.
"Shivanna i need you to write this down and the call Gladys at this number. You need to find out if she is being discharged and if so when. I have already reserved a room there for her but need the 2 of you to get her when she is discharged. Also let your Moss know that she needs to get us all some clothes and anything else needed. I love you both but i have to go."
Master hung up the phone before Shivanna could ask any questions.
She decided to let her Miss sleep as she called Gladys. "Oh shivanna you sweet girl. Im so happy you were not out there."
They talked a few minutes, minus any info regarding Harris.
"Gladys are you being released today? Master Garrett has a room ready for you here. Also, i need your sizes. We will be going shopping."
"Please let him know im being admitted for observation, hopefully being discharged tomorrow. Thank you."
Shivanna wrote down the cooks clothing sizes and decided to wake her Miss.
She leaned over her sleeping body and kissed the outside of her neck. "Miss...Miss...we need to get up. ..."
Rene slowly stretched, for a moment forgetting what was going on and pulling her pet down to her.
"Mmmmm pet being woken by you ..your lips are perfect the way....(her eyes got wide with the truth of reality setting in)."
She sat up quickly, "Shivanna have you heard anything??!"
The girl told her Miss exactly what was told to her from their Master and Gladys. Neither of them wanted to ask about Harris, somehow they both knew.
The shopping and visiting Gladys would keep their minds preoccupied Rene thought as she quickly got ready.
Instead of taking the Rover, Rene call the front desk and asked for a driver for the day.
They first went shopping and bought  4 outfits for each person and other necessities. After that they went to Gladys. After exchanging hugs, Gladys told them what she knew including the activities of Harris and then not seeing him. After a few hours they headed back to the Hyatt and ordered room service.
Mistress had her pet run a bath so they could relax while they waited for their food. Shivanna used some of her bubbles from her bath set which smelled very good. After relaxing  they dried off and waited for room service. It felt good to be without clothes once again. Soon there was a knock "Room Service!" and Shivanna answered the door without even thinking of slipping on a robe. It was the same porter from the day before. He stumble on his words as the door opened as he was not expecting to see the beautiful girl standing as she was in front of him. "Please bring it it Steven?..Yes thank you. We may be ordering dessert later."
"Enjoy your dinner. Ummm...if you need anything else...anything i will make sure it happens."
Once he managed to make it out the door Rene then Shivanna started giggling. "Kinda reminds me of a certain" Shivanna giggled more and blushed.
As they sat and ate the phone rang.
" so glad its you. Are you ok?...uhhuh....Rowan?..good. Its gone? Completely? OH MY GOD......But how? When will they know? what please tell me...Yes Sir i heard you. How long is he staying with the horses? Please send our love. Yes i think she is getting out tomorrow and we did the shopping. I will get ahold of the cleaning staff for the cabin so it is ready. Yes Sir we are fine just worried. Love you too.."
Rene filled the girl in on the missing bits of the conversation. They both had a feeling Harris was gone also but did not speak on it.
Dinner was absolutely wonderful. Shivanna rolled the cart to the door then layed down with  her Mistress. Rene held her pet close to her, Shivanna was turned towards her with her leg draped over her Mistress. She leaned her head over and took her left nip in between her teeth. She sucked and flicked her tongue feeling it grow. Mistress ran her fingers through her hair enjoying the attention that her pet was giving her. Shivanna began rubbing her hand starting on the side of the neck, over the right breast, down her torso then finally to her nest. Rene moaned as her pets hand possessed her. She slid 2 fingers within her folds as Renes legs opened up even wider. "Mmm...thats a good girl. Now take your fingers out and slip them back in. Baby one more finger. Awww....reach them back yes....up towards my belly button...right there..mmm babygirl...."  Right before cumming,"hun hurry turn around on top of me...yes..we are both going to enjoy this. Yes...mmm..." The only sound in the room was soft mews, licking and soon loud moans.
" i want us to go together....mmmnnn...." As if planned they buth began using their fingers and tongues. Both started rolling their hips and then the muffled "Noowww" from Renes lips. Both began to lap up each others release. Once done they sat up and began slowly licking each others lips, chins and fingers. "Mistress, we've..we've never done that...mmmm thank you." Suddenly the door swung open unexpectantly and they both jumped!

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