Chapter 1: Come One, Come All

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  • Dedicated to Izziee

California's POV

“Drive faster! We need to get good spots in line!” My best friend, Logan, commands from the passenger seat while twirling her long blonde hair, nervously.

“Jesus,” I said to her, “Calm down, child. The crowd shifts anyways so it doesn’t matter when we get into the venue!” I argued.

She looked at me with disbelief, “But the line is half the fun! Plus, maybe All Time Low will be hanging around outside the venue.”

I scoffed, “I doubt it. They’d get attacked by a ton of screaming girls if they did.”

She rolled her eyes, “Can you drive any slower?” She joked.

“Can you be more annoying?” I shot back, teasing her.

“Oh, honey, I haven’t even gotten started,” she smiled, “There it is!”

Logan pointed to the venue. There it was. The Summit Music Hall in downtown Denver. There was a parking lot right across the street. I pulled my beaten up, black Jeep into a parking spot and climbed out of the car. Logan was busy fixing her hair in the side mirror. I sighed and checked my phone to see what time it was.

“Oh, so now you care about what time we have to be there,” she teased punching me in the arm. I laughed and we started walking to the line. There were only about fifteen people and the concert didn’t start for another four hours.

“I can’t believe you talked me into this.” I said to Logan.

“The concert? Or waiting in line for four hours?” She asked playfully.

“Waiting.” I said. I’ve been looking forward to this concert for at least six months. I had been in love with All Time Low’s music ever since I was in middle school, six years ago, “Ohmygod, I’ve gotta pee.” I said after an hour.

“I told you not to drink a Coke before we left.” Logan scolded.

“Whatever. I’m gonna go find a bathroom,” I said walking around to the other side of the building, since it was on a street corner. There was a door on the side that was a back way into the venue. I cautiously reached for the handle to see if it was unlocked. Yes! The door opened easily, no security guards on the other side either. They probably haven’t locked the door yet because there were only a few people in line and the concert didn’t start for another few hours. I turned a few corners and found a bathroom in no time. I went inside, did my business, and then examined myself in the mirror. My long, light pink hair was pulled into a ponytail and my “COME AT ME, BRO” tank was hanging on my shoulders. My bright pink skinny jeans were a little dirty from sitting on the ground for an hour, but, other than that, I looked pretty good.

I left the bathroom and examined the maze of hallways. Oh shit. I don’t remember which way I came in from. I shrugged and started wandering throughout the hallways. After about five minutes, I found a door that looked exactly like the one I came in from. I casually opened it and was greeted by four sets of eyes staring at me. Four sets of eyes that I knew too well.


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