Sunday (NSFW)

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The morning after your first time with Doffy.



When you wake up the next morning, the first thing that you feel is heat. Too much heat.

The second thing you notice is that you have difficulties to move because there is something around your waist, grabbing you tightly.

And the third thing you notice is that there is something hard but warm pressing against your bare back, something that is slightly moving up and down with an even rhythm, and that's the moment when you finally snap out your woke up daze and realize that the culprit of all those sensations is no other than Doflamingo, who is peacefully sleeping literally stuck to you with one of his strong arms circling your waist.

You almost chuckle when you try to separate a little from Doflamingo and that just causes his grip to get even tighter, pressing you even more against his body, as if he wanted to prevent you from escaping. Funny, Doflamingo was possessive even while sleeping.

"Where do you think you're going, dear?"

Your eyes snap opened while turning your head back and you find Doflamingo looking at you, his brown eyes still half-lidded but with a hint of mocking in them. Well, it seemed that Doflamingo wasn't as asleep as you thought.

"Nowhere", you answer with a smile, "I was just trying not to roast while being so close to you"

Doflamingo chuckles low in his throat when hearing your choice of words before leaning over to kiss you. You moan softly when his tongue joins yours to initiate an unhurried dance, one of your hands reaching back to grasp Doflamingo's soft hair. Damn, you wouldn't mind if he had his hair just a little longer. You really crabbed to grab it properly in moments like these.

"How are you feeling, by the way? Last night you fell sound asleep before I ever finished teasing you"

You chuckle while turning towards Doflamingo, facing him before continuing talking.

"I'm fine, so thank you for having held back. I promise that the next time I'll be prepared for whatever you bring"

Doflamingo raises an amused eyebrow when hearing your last challenging words, that single action causing a shiver travel down your spine.

"Fufufu~, are you sure, (y/n)? Even if next time...", your heart skips a bit when Doflamingo rolls you over and crawls over you, pressing you against the mattress, " right now?"

You bite your bottom lip with excitation when hearing Doflamingo's more than suggestive tone, but you make sure to hold Doflamingo's gaze while slowly opening your legs for him, allowing Doflamingo to settle more comfortably between them. You suppress a whine when feeling Doflamingo's impressive morning erection pressing lightly against your folds, and you are proud of being able to use a daring tone while talking next even if your body was feeling already on fire.

"I don't know but...", you enclose your hands around Doflamingo's neck, "...I'm ready to find out"

You accompany your last sentence with a provocative buck of your hips that causes Doflamingo's member to rub briefly against your womanhood. Doflamingo grunts and slowly licks his bottom lip appreciatively, lust clear in his now darker brown eyes, but just when he is going to lean down to join your mouths in a more than probable mind-blowing kiss, several rapid and loud steps begin to resound in the outside corridor, causing Doflamingo to stop just when your lips are about to meet.

"Oh, damn"

You have barely time to register Doflamingo rapidly recovering his previous position in the bed and pulling the blankets over you two before the door of the room snaps open to show an angry Dellinger and an equally enraged Sugar.

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