{Chapter TWO}

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                Stella – Later that afternoon.

After an intense packing session, this consisted of packing EVERYTHING in my wardrobe; I was exhausted so I decide to call my two best friends; Liana and Nicole. We’ve been best friends since we were in diapers, I think our parents used to be close friends too so that’s probably how we met… Any who we’ve agreed to go to a little café in town called ‘Le Petite Café’ (A/N Just came up with that, can’t think of anything better) we always go there after school to get ice cream or hot chocolate depending on the weather.

The owners there are called Mr Smith and Mrs Smith; they were the cutest couple ever! Unfortunately, Mrs Smith passed away when we were 10, from then on Pops was always there for us saying ‘You girls, remind me of Mary so much’ if you haven’t realised yet, Mary was Mrs Smith’s first name. However, Mr Smith is called Peter, but we call him Pops, he’s been there ever since that place opened and we’ve gotten so close to him that he was considered our Granddad – which explained the name Pops. I’m going to miss him.

I remembered the first time we went there it was with our parents; it was my birthday, February 14th aka Valentines day. We ordered their biggest ice cream Sunday and shared it out between all of us and it always ended up with us all sitting there for a couple of hours afterward because we all had brain freezes. Ever since then we would go there every time it was someone’s birthday and order the same thing. I guess Pops’ used to this since he always has a table reserved for us.

I was the second there like always, Nicole was the one who shows up 10 mins early whereas Liana would usually appear 5 mins after me. But the weird thing was that both of them are here already, both! Liana here early!? Well that’s a first. When I walked in everyone looked at me because of the bell that rings every time the doors open. I waved at Pops who was standing at the counter making some coffee then I walked to our usual table; which was next to the window on the left side.

“Hi guys, I have news!” I said as Pops came up to our table. He usually comes and talks to us when we come and get one of the staffs to cover for him. After I said that there was a chorus of his and heys (A/N I mean more than one hi not his).  “Good news or bad news?” Liana asked. “Bad, I’ve just found out that both my parents passed away” by the time I finished saying this I was already crying.

There was a moment of silence after this as everyone was trying to take it in; I can see that Pops was trying not to cry so that he can be strong for me. Whereas my besties we already full out crying, along with me.  Everyone here were really close to my parents: Pops considered them as his children and Liana and Nicole considered them as parents. After 5 mins of quiet Pops pulled us all in for a hug whispering about how everything is going to be alright and that my parents wouldn’t want us to be crying, they’d want us to be living our lives out to the full and someday we would be up there with them along with Nana Mary.

“There’s more…  I’m going to have to move in with my uncle Rob…  I’m leaving tomorrow morning.” I whispered knowing that they would be able to hear me anyway since we were all huddled in together. “WHAT!?” Nicole asked suddenly, killing our ears all at once.

Its odd how everyone is acting so differently today, I mean Nicole is always the one who is serious and would think logically whereas Liana is the out-going and weird one; also Liana is the one that would most like respond like that rather than Nicole.

“FU- Flipping acrobats you’re actually moving!?” Liana asked. You might wonder why she said ‘Flipping acrobats’ it’s because we’re not allowed to swear when we’re around Pops because he told us that it was rude and he wouldn’t allow it to be used in the café.

“Yeah…” I replied, and then we lapsed into another silence. We sat there for a while, whist eating ice cream. “guys it’s time for me to go, I need to get to the airport before I miss my flight” I said hesitantly, “I promise that I’ll keep in touch with you guys every day whether it’s on Facebook, text calling you guys, email or just plain old writing to you guys, even you Pops I call the café’s phone every week so that I won’t keep your companies phone busy. I Love you guys so much!”  Every one replied with ‘you better’, ‘I love you too-s’ and ‘I’ll be expecting your call.’ After that we hugged again and that was the final good byes.

‘What a great way to leave your life behind…’ I thought as I walked out the door…



I just want to appologise for not uploading for over a year! I feel so bad. Hopefully, i'd be uploading more frequently in the future. This is a really crappy chappy <- ha it rhymes. Also i think this story is going pretty slowly, do you? please tell me.

Jess XD

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