{Chapter One}

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I let the music flow through me as I sing and dance along to ‘A Drop In The Ocean’ by Ron Pope. I’ve been here for at least 6 hours dancing none stop, right now I’m in the studio/ music room. We have one in our house because my mum used to be a famous dancer and my dad was a musician. I always come here to relax or when I’m upset. Right now I’m just here to keep things out of my head and to get on with my life because I know that they are never coming back.

When I say ‘They are never coming back’ I mean my parents. 

*Flashback to Earlier Today*

It was my Mum’s birthday tomorrow so I’m going to get her a present now since it was Saturday. I walked over to a small antique shop in town that could be mistaken for a small cosy café. There was a little bell at the top of the door that rings when someone opens the door. I think Grandma would like this shop…. I walked in deeper to where all the necklaces were, whilst humming a random tune. There is only two other people in here and there both around their late 40s. 

….hmmm…..which one to get Mum?….. Green or Blue……. Well the Green would go well with her light tan but the blue one matches her eyes…. Ahhhhh!!! This is so annoying!!!

I stood there for five minutes trying to which one suites her best. I’m going to get the blue one, when I was about to pay for it I saw a charm bracelet; the beads were the same shades as the green and blue necklaces I was looking at before. It’s things like these that make me feel like I have a brain problem or something (A/N no offence to anyone with brain problems.)

I bought the bracelet I walked across the road to Starbucks and got into the queue. After 5 or so minutes I’ve finally got to the till, since I come here all the time they know what I order so I just pay them. By the time I've finished it was already 5 so I decided to go home and watch a movie or something.

When I reached my door a police car pulled over into my drive way.

"Hello, Officer how may I help you?" I asked, it's unusual for police cars to be around this area since we live in the suburbs and our neighbourhood is a good area. 

"Do you want to sit down for this?" He asked and now I'm getting worried.

"Um yes sure come in." I lead him into our living room.

"I'm sorry Miss Green, but both your parents were involved in a car accident, he other driver was driving a truck after he got drunk, as off 16:47 this afternoon Mrs Green is now in a critical condition and...." he takes a deep breath "your father sadly pasted away because his side of the car was impacted the most. I recommend that you go see your mother before she passes away."

I ran out of the house not even caring that the police officer's still in there. I need to see my mum and quick! I drove at 90mph (A/N I'm not into cars or anything but i think that's pretty fast) I don't care if I drive through red lights. I just need to see my mother!

After the longest five minutes of my life, I had arrived at the hospital. I practically ran to the receptionist asking for my mother's room. "263" she said. I ran down corridors scanning the numbers as I go along.

'260' '261' '262' '263' 

I burst through the door not even bothering to knock.

'Mum' I went over and sat on the side and held her hand.

'Stella, I want you to know, that when I die you're going to live with Uncle Rob Ok?'

'Mum don't say those things you're going to be fine.'

'Honey, I know that my time is short now and the last thing I want to do for me is to move on and don't let our death hold you back in life and be happy no matter what'

'Yes and since this might be the.....last time I'll see you, I want you to have this, your birthday's tomorrow and I want to give you this.' I hand her the bracelet and put it on her wrist.

'Thank you Ella, I also have a gift for you, it's my bracelet that was passed down from your Great Grandmother.' She gave me a delicate piece of silver bracelet with amethyst gems on it.

'I love you mum.' I said and gave her a light hug

'I love you too Stella and we are going to meet someday but until then keep healthy and happy' she whispered and I know that, that was it...

*End of Flashback*

I'm currently standing in front of my glass wall in the studio looking at myself and looking for the looks I got from my mum and dad. I've got dark brown curly hair from my mum's side with natural blond highlights from my dad's blond hair. I've got grey eyes from my dad but there is a little flicker of blue in them. I have fin lips and a button nose. The only bad thing is, is that I'm not tall. I'm 5ft.2.

Well that's me for you all, I'll better get packing I'm going to My Uncle's House Tomorrow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey, I want to apologize in advance for my grammar :) Oh and I might switch tenses half way through. Basically I not perfect.

I might not upload that much but it depends on how many people read it so yeah.... And I want to say thanks to xNavande7x for the cover :D


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