Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Words can kill a person

I let out a few curse words in the quiet hallway, feeling defeated that I can’t do anything about my current situation. I know someone would say that I’m being overdramatic, but try putting yourself into my shoes. What if you were forced to date someone who said that you are a slut? Would you be happy? Would you? Would you? You wouldn’t, right? Right?

Ugh, I sound so crazy right now.

“Lauren,” a voice called.

I looked at where the voice came from and good god, I thought my conversation with Cabello was finally over for today, but here she is, walking towards me and what’s worse was that she looked like she wanted to talk.

“What?” I snapped, standing up.

“I want to talk to you,” she spoke so calmly that it didn’t fail to annoy me.

I glared at her, taking a step forward and looking at her straight in the eye, “You wanted to talk? Then let’s talk,” I growled at her, my breath hitting her face.

“C-can you…step back?” she asked uncertain, avoiding my eyes by looking at the ground.

I didn’t follow her though. I didn’t move an inch and stayed where I was, “Why? Am I making you feel uncomfortable? Does this bother you, huh? You said you wanted to talk, why don’t you do it now?”

Since I didn’t take a step back, she did –she almost did, until I grabbed her by the arm and yanked her towards me that she stumbled a little. She managed to stand properly, her body still close to me. She crossed her arms over her chest and continued avoiding my eyes. I still have my hand holding her arm, not letting her go.

“Talk!” I seethed through my teeth.
I can feel my hand burning as I refuse to let go of her. Her skin seemed like on fire and no matter what I do, the fire wouldn’t die down. It’s a matter of choice. Either let her go or let your hand get burned.

She looked like she had just realized that I wouldn’t let her go anytime soon so she decided to speak, “I-i…” she stuttered, clearing her throat, “I just wanted to tell you that we should just accept our current situation.”

“And what made you think I will follow your words?” I raised a questioning eyebrow at her although she was still avoiding my gaze.

“You know we can’t do anything about it. You were the partner I got. Although I’m having a hard time accepting that you had managed to met my standards–“ before she could even continue her bullshit, I cut her off.

“Honestly, I’m not having a hard time accepting this –whatever this is,” I told her honestly, my eyes trying to meet hers, “Because I will never accept this.”

This time, her eyes met mine. Her brown eyes were full of confusion as she heard my words, “Why?” was the only word she had managed to let out.

“Why? Hmm, let’s see,” I put on a thinking face by putting my hand on my chin as I looked at the ceiling. There’s a deafening silence that was slowly enveloping us. I slowly looked at her with my eyes blazing in anger, “Maybe because the thought of you meeting my standards has never dawned on me.”

“W-what?” she stuttered, her voice almost cracked at the end.

“I honestly think there was a huge mistake over this bullshit. You wanna know what my description of the person I’d like?” I asked her, although I didn’t receive a response, I continued, “It says, ‘I’d like someone who shares the same passion for music with me. I definitely would like someone if I just feel really comfortable around them, like they won’t judge me for who I am outside and for who I am inside. Just by looking at their eyes, you’d see that there’s no judgement in them. I’d like someone who is true to their selves, who is genuine and isn’t scared to let people know what they feel, and of course loves their family’ and you are neither of those things.”

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