I dont know what to call this chapter

12 1 0



Yesterday I was at this place

Let's call it the Nooky Nook

It was such a cute place

I've been there before with a few of my friends and I was just like 'Hey' let's call that person....


So I said 'Hey, Cracker? Do you want to go to the Nooky Nook?'

Cracker said yes so then we walked there

Cracker was wearing a twenty one pilots shirt

And Pim (my sister) and I were wearing Yuri on Ice shirts

We went up to order and she was like 'Oh, I like both of your Yuri on Ice shirts and your twenty one pilots shirt!'

Pim and I were fangirling so hard inside

We were meeting up with people there and we were like 'THE LADY COMPLEMENTED OUR SHIRTS!!!!'

Of course, She didn't watch Yuri on Ice and had no idea what it was (besides that it is an anime)

So ya

That's it

I'm gonna continue listening to Panic and RWBY



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