"Catherine, what the hell was that? And why are you in a club in such a skimpy dress." Angelo was standing there with his blank face on again waiting for me to respond. His question made me so angry that I was seconds away from punching...
I woke up with a dull throbbing in my head. "Huh, I do not remember drinking last night." I mumbled to myself while rubbing my forehead. Suddenly I started recalling yesterday night's events. I was horrified when I remembered passing out on Angelo.
I got up and stood in front of the mirror to have a look at myself. "Dayum! I should have not passed out. I looked too cool punching that sexy ass, and then I just have to pass out! Argh!" I talked to my mirror. I know that's weird, but then who said I am not.
I freshened up and then went to the kitchen to feed my growling stomach. I was met with a mouth watering smell of pancakes just as I reached the kitchen. I ran and took one plate of pancake quickly and sat down to devour it.
I was startled out of my devouring session by a crazily laughing Diana.
"What?" I mumbled out confused with pancake still stuffed in my mouth.
"Girl, that right hand hook was amazing! You should have seen the look on his face at first. He was seriously shocked and maybe a little shaken too. So proud of you mah lil mama." Diana gave me a pat on the back.
I just shrugged and mumbled out a 'he had that coming' while still eating.
We finished eating and started cleaning the kitchen together.
"Diana? What happened after I blacked out?"
"Well something interesting. Girl, you got yourself a god! His actions screamed that he is so into you!" This girl is nuts. Hallucinating. But I did not get to put my input. She just carried on with her description.
"He looked scared and lost. Like he was trying to grasp what just happened. But that did not stop him from catching you like some hero. He was nearly ready to take you with him. But suddenly he seemed to get kind of cold. He lifted you bridal style and asked me how we came. When I told him that we came by a cab, he just started moving towards his car. And I, of course, followed him."
I immediately picked up her expressions. "Wait. Why is there this evil glint in your eyes? What did you do this time DD?"
She showed me her pearly whites. "I ran ahead and occupied his front seat, beside his handsome bodyguard-slash-driver. Jackson, I believe his name was. Girl..... he was H-O-T."
"And why did you do that DD? I just know there is something more." I eyed her sceptically.
"Well, when I refused to budge, he had to sit in the backseat with you basically in his lap." With that she ran out of the kitchen.
I ran after her and jumped on her from behind and took her neck in a threatening hold but did not put any pressure.
"Why did you do it? You betrayed me!" I was so embarrassed. I swear she is a devil in the form of my best friend.
She dropped me on the floor and looked at me with folded hands. "Don't you dare act like you were not enjoying it! You were basically snuggling up to him. Even in your unconscious state! I did my bestie a favor. And he looked at you the entire ride 'cause he thought no one was looking, but I got a sharp eyesight, unlike my bestie." She sounded so proud of her actions. I shook my head at her actions.
I probably won't admit it to anyone but I was secretly pleased that he was watching me the whole time. I decided to leave it at that.
It was Sunday so we decided to go shopping. I needed to buy seeds for Angelo's landscape. After shopping we saw some movies in our home theater. I was tired after shopping for too long, so I went to bed early.
There was only one question on my mind.
How am I going to face Angelo tomorrow?
Next day, I woke up worrying. I took my sweet time getting ready. I so did not want to face Angelo yet. As usual, I met Amber in my office and we drove together towards the Costello mansion.
I hoped that we would have been greeted by Liliana, but my oh so lucky stars were so good that we were greeted by Angelo himself by the door. I wondered where the butler was. He was generally the one who greeted us at the door.
"Angelo. I-I mean Mr. Costello," I was a stuttering mess with the look he gave me. I just could not figure out what he was thinking. He had his usual poker face on. Now I was starting to doubt Diana's description of last night. Maybe she just wanted to play cupid, or maybe she was saying that to make me happy.
"No need to jump to first name basis just because of last night's events Ms Catherine."
Well, you might want to take that stick out your ass. It seems to make you a stuck-up as*hole, I thought bitterly. But of course I cannot say it out aloud. He was the one currently paying me for my hard work on his backyard.
"Of course Mr Costello, it won't happen again," I replied back just as coldly. With that I turned on my heels and went towards the backyard to resume my working on it.
The rest of the day went smoothly without any interruption from Angelo. I was finally relieved thinking that he might not talk to me again. But maybe it was just a wishful thinking on my part. Just as I was about to leave for home, I was saw Angelo walking towards me with his attention to his phone.
Just as he reached near me, my footing slipped on the shining tiles and I landed perfectly on top of a shocked Angelo.
Just what I needed! But god does he have a rock hard body. I was literally swooning while Angelo still seemed to be in shock of our collision. The whole time I just watched his face wide-eyed.
What did I get myself into this time?!
Word Count - 1032
A/N: Sorry for late update lovely people. And thanks for your votes.
Please comment and vote, it would mean a lot to me. I work hard to write this story and this is my first story. Some support and motivation from you guys is much appreciated.
Pic of Nick Bateman, whom I imagine as Angelo Costello, for those who cannot see it above. He is sooooooo handsome! I just love him! Mah bae. <3
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