School Bores

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Sapphire groggily eyed the clock, watching the minutes of English pass by. It was the last class of today and every nerve in her body ached to get out of this hellhole. She could hear a pestering sound as she played with her mid length, teased, and spiky mousy hair. "Earth to Ms. Reeves!" was the first thing to break her concentration.

A lanky and balding teacher by the name of Mr. Williams stood in front of the room. His foot impatiently tapped on the ground as his arms were crossed in frustration. "Stop focusing on the bloody clock and pay attention!" His words only earned a sigh and a glare from her. He opened his mouth to scold her, but to her luck the bell chimed.

All of the students quickly rounded up their belongings and scurried out like a hoard of mice. Before he could stop her, Sapphire zoomed out of the classroom like a rocket. Her heart raced with joy as she shoved open the front doors, she was free for the weekend. She quickly spotted her best friend Sue by the parking lot. She stuck out like a sore thumb with her bleach blonde, huge earrings, and funky clothing.

She hurried over to her best friend, who was secretly puffing a cigarette. "You're lucky no one else is around," she sneered with a smart-ass tone. Sue rolled her eyes and blew a cloud of smoke into the August wind. "And you're lucky that Mr. Williams didn't chew your head off!" Sapphire knew she was right, but rolled her eyes at the remark. Sue chuckled and flicked some ashes onto the pavement.

"What kind of chaos are we releasing tonight?" Sue questioned as she dropped her cigarette and crushed it with her heeled boots. A smirk quickly spread across Sapphire's face. She loved getting into trouble with her best friend. "I think we should head over to my house. I don't want anyone snooping on our plans." Sue nodded and followed her friend down a few blocks.

   To their luck, no one was home as they ran upstairs. Once they were in Sapphire's room, they both lit up a cigarette each and took a puff. Sue turned one the radio, Led Zeppelin blared through the speakers. "So Sapph, what's the plan?" "Since this is our last year, I say we go out with a bang! We have to make sure that the school will remember our mayhem." She took a drag and looked at her blonde comrade.

Sue nodded as she took smothered her cig in the the ashtray. "I agree, we'll be the students from the class of 1973 that know one will forget. Too bad that John is still on vacation in Ibiza, we'll have to tell him the plan when he gets back." The two girls sat there for a while and began to scheme. Them, along with John were like a bunch of gremlins in a power room.

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