Brixton Lights and Late Night Frights

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As Sapphire and Sue scurried around the city with eggs, toilet roll, and plastic forks, Sapphire couldn't help but feel as though she was being watched. She had looked over her shoulder multiple times, but no one was to be seen. Sue simply told her that she was on edge and needed to relax. They finally arrived at their destination, Mr. Williams's house. The middle age man was most likely asleep at this time, so they saw their opportunity and took it.

   With her cat like reflexes, Sue jumped onto the nearest tree and climbed up it. Sapphire tossed her one of the rolls of tissue, Sue immediately started to wrap it around around the branches. This continued for fifteen more minutes until the trees and bushes were completely covered. The blonde jumped down and grabbed a carton of eggs.

      CRACK! The first egg made contact with the left side of the tan house. The embryo dripping down the side was satisfactory to the young rebels. They each threw two at a time, doubling the satisfaction. Soon enough the cartons were empty, leaving the forks sat the only items left. Sapphire grabbed a bunch of them and shoved them deeply into the ground. She tried to pull one out to see if she placed them correctly, SNAP! The handle of the plastic utensil broke off, leaving a stub. Mr. Williams was definitely going to have fun trying to get the plastic out of his lawn.

They littered the forks all over the yard, their deed was done. The cool wind played with their hair as they ran further away from the house. They stopped and caught their breath once they reached Sue's block. The young girls did their interesting handshake and went their separate ways. Sapphire's house was ten blocks away and it was way past curfew. To her luck no one else was out and about, not even the law. She sashayed down the pavement and decided to take a rest at the nearby park.

The park was so lively and beautiful during the day, but at night it was eerie and gloomy. The swings creaked as the air barely pushed them. The mousy haired girl sat on top of the jungle gym, she closed her eyes and inhaled the cool night air. Her muscles relaxed and she felt at ease, it was as though the world had stopped around her.  A tree branch snapping brought her back to reality.

She cautiously looked around, but no one was to be seen. The feeling of being watched sunk in again, making her get down and star walking again. She jumped when she heard some leaves rustling. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a silhouette by the nearest oak tree. The figure turned its head and looked at her, making goosebumps appear on her arms. She was frozen stuff with fear, unsure if this person was a predator or not.

      Soon enough the figure turned its focus away from her, it was fumbling with something on its wrist. She quickly ran off, for she didn't want to take chances. The street lights were fairly dim, but she was still able to see where she was going. Footsteps echoed after her, trying to catch up. Her heart raced against her chest, but she kept going. She still had quite a few blocks left until she'd reach her home.

    Slowly the footsteps behind her died down, filling her with some relief. They must've given up on trying to get to her. She caught her breath as she reached a street sign, her body was aching from all of the running. Sapphire lazily leaned against the pole of the sign and closed her eyes. It was a few minutes before she opened them again, only to be met by a pair of mismatched blue ones.

     She jumped and almost slapped the stranger, but he caught her wrist to refrain her from doing so. He had an orangey-red mullet, no eyebrows, a wild outfit, a pale face with a touch of makeup, and an earring. He carefully let go, she noticed two silver bracelets on his wrist. "Who are you?" she spoke up, filled with wonder about this stranger.

"Ziggy. Ziggy Stardust. How about you, love?" he replied cooly and held out his hand for a shake. She took it, "Sapphire Reeves." He looked her over and smirked. "You dropped something when you and your friend went to commit a crime." Sapphire's stomach dropped, that's why she felt like she was being watched. The thin man held out an item, it was her keys. "Thanks," she took them back and put them in her pocket. They both looked at each other, silence filling between them.

Sapphire decided to break it, "You're not gonna snitch on us are you?" Ziggy shrugged, "Nah, I'd rather not tell on a beautiful young lady." She could feel her face heat up a bit, making him chuckle lightly. "Where ya heading to anyway, Sapph?" he asked casually, as if they'd known each other for longer. "I'm heading home, Zig." She started to walk down the direction to her home, Ziggy by her side.

"Don't you have somewhere to go?" she questioned him. He simply shook his head and continued to follow her home. Once they'd reached her fair sized cream colored house she turned to him. "I'm sure my parents are out on a date but when they come back you gotta scram, okay?" She didn't know why she was letting a stranger into her home, but there was something about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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