"Rose please, I'm telling you I'm happy!"

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Word Count- 2,840

6th year

//4 days earlier//

"I love you."

"I love you more."


"Anything's possible if you've got enough nerve."

"I'm dating a dork who quotes my mother in her teenage years."


"Are you taking back your offer?"

Scorpius kissed Albus' forehead. "No." He beamed at the boy standing in front of him.

//3 days earlier//

"Rose please, I'm telling you I'm happy!"

"Doesn't matter. You are a male, you will date a female."

"Scorpius is the only one who has ever made me happy here. All you do is-"

"Albus! As I said, you will not pursue this relationship. It is disgusting!"

"You're disgusting! A disgusting, homophobic-" Rose slaps her cousin's face. It left a mark.

//2 days earlier//

"Hey Scorpius!"

"Oh, hi Rose."

"I heard about your new relationship with Al."

Scorpius smiled.

"Anyways, I think it's absolutely horrific."

Scorpius didn't have any time to react, because Rose stepped closer to him, closing the space between them. She kissed him, forcefully. He pushed her away and screamed at the red head. "WHAT THE BLOODY-" Rose winked at him and ran off.

"Scorp?" Wha...what was all that?" Albus called from a few feet away. His voice was soft but hurt. "Al! This- let me explain! Rose came-" Albus ran to the library, leaving his boyfriend standing alone next two a few first years not paying attention.

Albus sat in the corner where nobody goes and put his father's invisibility cloak over himself. He thought to himself, maybe Scorp didn't actually mean it when he asked me out. Maybe he was doing it just for laughs. What would he have said if I let him explain? What was Rose doing there in the first place?


"I believe you."

Scorpius smiled.

"I love you, Scorp."

"I love you too." The two sat on Albus' bed in the dorms. They leaned into each other, fitting like puzzle pieces. After half an hour of just enjoying each other's company (with occasional small kisses) someone spoke up. "The other day Rose told me she didn't want us to date. She was being a homophobic, ignorant soul." Albus told him, monotonously.

//Present day//

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why it is extremely important to have clear annunciation of your words when using this counter spell. We wouldn't want to end up with an arm dislocated and attached to your neck, now would we Martha?" Minerva McGonagall strained the name, seeing as she did exactly that. An ugly picture, that was. "Class dismissed. Paper due on Monday." Luckily the Slytherins had their last period with Hufflepuffs, so Albus and Scorpius didn't have to see Rose on their way out.

"So what do you wanna do? We could go watch the quidditch match that starts in an hour, or we could go up to the astronomy tower." Scorp suggested, grabbing Albus' hand. "Who's playing today?" He asked as they walked into the common room, already filled with students. "Gryffindor and Ravenclaw." "Nope. I don't feel like climbing a bunch of stairs, either. Hmm..." Albus replied. "Chill in the dorms?" "Yeah."

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