Asuka Saito: Proud, 15 year-old daughter of Madoka and Homura, and as such has inheritted their magical girl powers/abilities. Asuka loves her mothers, and even though not having a father, is happy with her family. She refers to Homura as H-Mama and Madoka as M-Mama, since she is obviously not allowed to call them by their first names. She has enhiritted her seriousness from Homura and her smile from Madoka.
Zodiac: Libra
Birthday: October 11th
Wish: To impress her mothers.
Known Quotes:
"May I help you?" ~We first meeting someone.
"Excuse me, how dare you say such hurtful content?!" ~If offended.
"I shall show you my abilities . . ." ~When about to transform.
"I wish to impress H-Mama and M-Mama!" ~Wish.
Theme Color: Pinkish-Purple
Symbol: Diamond
Weapon: Oversized Ring
Asuka Saito: A Puella Madoka Magica Story
Fantasy15 years after the birth of Asuka Saito; very daughter of Magoka Kaname and Homura Akemi has just discovered her powers and abilities of being a magical girl after a year of waiting since it geing a chance of 50%50%, and after the arrival of a new s...