Harry Styles lost in Another World

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I still remember that night when I was half asleep with my head on my writing desk when my cell rang . I got up and received my cell and I heard this cute , sizzling voice which was quite familiar to me . I sensed it that it was the voice of my 20 year old boy friend ; my cupcake , Harry .But his voice made me feel that he was scared, his voice was totally different like a person who is seeing his death in front of him . He was asking for help and was saying something about the forest beside our town which was quite famous because of it's name ' Dark Forest ' . I got up from my seat and rushed down stairs to get my leather jacket which he had gifted me on my 18th birthday. I came out tip toeing so that I wouldn't wake up anybody in the house and took the path which leaded to the forest .

It was freezing called outside . The winds were coming from the west, the trees were all frozen in time, loosing their leaves to cover up the bare ground.It was pitch black in the forest, the moon was at the highest pace in the sky but its light was getting blocked by the obstacles of the thick over grown trees. Everything was covered in snow an I could hear the leaves screaming for help. I was frightened but I had to save my love , love makes you blind It never makes you realize that you can get in trouble while doing something for your love.

Well , I kept on moving forward in search of him and soon enough I did. While I was in search of him I saw this cottage which was covered with pure white snow and dried leaves. I entered the cottage to find my love ,my blood was frozen I was scared but I had to do it. I was pitch black around me, there was no light except a little beam of light coming from a old lamp which was standing at the middle of the floor.

When I looked down I saw blood stains on the floor which made a track.I followed the track and reached to see my sweetie covered in blood laying on the floor, with his body on the other side and head on the other side. My blood froze i felt as if my heart was retired and there was no more blood left to flow through my body. I walked slowly towards his head with the effect of a human made of wet clay without the main component (soul) .

I sat down beside his body and started crying .I kept until it was two in the morning with my skin going pale white . I was half asleep with my head on his chest when suddenly somebody hit me with a metal rod on my head ; my head started to bleed from my forehead, which took me down .I woke up in the morning noticing that Harry's body and head were not there. I got very confused ,I couldn't understand a single thing which was going on around me because of first seeing him in that situation and now he is gone !I didn't know what to think .I still don't know; who cut his head off and then who just carried him away. I mustered my self up and got of that rusty,old cottage, as I got out I saw a note attached to a tree which was in front of me ,it had a text written on it with something red ,I walked forward to get a better look .

And then came to the result that it was my name written with blood. That totally creep-ed me out well..it was something totally unusual .Well I suddenly got something in my head the statement which Harry told me years back, " Marry always remember if you ever get in trouble and I am not there just close your eyes and think about the person whom you love the most imagine him i front of you and you will show the courage inside you ." I did what he had said to me I closed my eyes and imagined Harry in front of me that actually mustered me up .Somehow or the other his sayings always work .I enclosed my eyes and found footprints of blood making a path again and this time I had decided I'm calling my best friend Meg . She is the one whom I could actually think of at that time she always understands me but one thing which I hate the most about her she hardly is attending her phone calls I crossed my fingers and started begging in my heart that please Meg pick up the phone but as usual she didn't pick up .I started thinking of people whom I could call and I decided to call my old friend Farah but she didn't pick up either !

Now the only choice which I had was run Marry! While running I heard the black crows squeaking and flying after me. " Oh. Harry you knew I hate crows especially black crows ! They always annoy me alot .I kept running until I got to Zayn's house he is the one guy after Harry who cares about me the most he is always like a brother to me and his girl friend 'Treta' who is about to be married to him is a good caring friend of mine .I started knocking the door it was Treta who opened the door she soon noticed the fright on my face and asked me, " Hey Marry you okay" " Is Zayn at home ?" "Yeah why? ..Zayn, Marry is here !"

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