Chapter One

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AN: Okay so this is my first BoyxBoy so lets see what happens! And I am a girl trying to write from the point of view of a guy and I'm very sorry if it sucks, really I am but like I said I'm a girl and I don't know how they think (really the saying girls are from Venus and boys are from Mars comes to mind) so I apologise if it sucks!

Tobias POV

I leant on my bike just watching. I know everyone can see me watching them but I guess they are just used to it by now. You would think it would scare me, you know the thought that people can see me watching them. Just watching. No facial expressions. But that's just my game so they will have to learn to get on with life won't they. And I think everyone can tell that I could and would take down any bitch that thinks its appropriate to comment on my watching. You see its a game I play, I make sure I know everything about a person just in case they find out. I hate talking to people anyway so I guess it works for me.

I saw the Alpha's son walk by and I bowed my head slightly, just enough to show my respect but not enough to gather attention. He gave a slight nod of the head back to me. Yes I'm a werewolf, yes I live in pack and yes I will find my mate at 18. Well really I'm already 19 but my mate needs to turn 18 and usually submissive mates are a couple of years younger so I have a while to go but what can ya do? And I'm most definitely dominate to say the least. I mean I am a warrior wolf even though I don't talk to anyone in my pack. I live in the pack house but only after the incident. I wish I didn't but any mateless wolves with no one else to go to must live at the pack house by werewolf law.

Get a move on Toby we are gonna be late for class! My wolf almost shouts at me. I don't know why but he has been restless all day. See my wolf is different he's the complete opposite of me. If he was a person on his own I swear he would be one of those nerds with the glasses and always worried about class, no drugs, no alcohol and most of all no sex. Seriously I think if it was up to him we would be celibate for ever. Its not like I go out every weekend and get drunk, high and sleep with everything in sight or anything I'm just not everything he wants me to be. I mean I drink on the odd occasion and I'm not virgin, I've slept with 2 girls in my 19 years of living and I've never done drugs, but to be honest I cant say I really ever will, and I think that's good for a boy of this generation right?


Okay, okay I'm moving what's got your panties in a twist? I said getting of my bike and locking it up.

You do realise that we are the same person so if I wear panties and have them in a twist then so do you? He said heatedly as I walked into the university going to my first lesson.

Well yeah but you don't have to be so snarky. I replied hotly as I got to my class and looked around for a seat.

Clearly I do. Dick.


Oh god uni was just terrible today. I swear my brain is fried. Contrary to popular belief I'm alright at school I mean I'm no hot shot but I try. I mean I am studying to be chemist. I've always love chemistry especially around the time I was leaving academy. In case you haven't caught on I live in the UK. Scotland to be exact. I walked into my room and faceplanted my bed. Damn how much I love this bed. I swear I would marry it if I could but I guess its illegal or something. What bullshit, we should be able to marry and love anything e want and in this case I love my bed. Although I do stand by the thought of loving anyone you want. I mean I'm straight but if I found the right guy nothing's saying I wouldn't go gay.

"Pack meeting in a hour" I hear the gruff voice of none other then my alpha. Urghhh all I want to do is sleep and the Aloha has to choose today to call a pack meeting. Just then I heard a gentle knock on my door and from the scent I found it to be no other then the Luna of the pack. The Luna is a kind woman that has treated me like a son my whole life and I treat her as if she was my mum. I would protect her as if she was my mum too no matter what happens. After the incident she took me under her wing and let me heal there until I needed. Its suffice to say I owe her my life. She is and will always be my role model and I will do anything for her.

"Yes Luna Jane?" I answered in a raspy voice from not using it all day. The only person I will actually associate my self and willingly talk to is Luna Jane.

"Honey how many times do I have to say to call me Jane?" She said walking into my room and sitting next to me on the bed where I lied there with my face still in my pillow.

"As many as you wish Luna Jane but I will always call you Luna" I reply, my voice evening out more as my throat gets used to talking.

She sighs overdramatically and I have to smother a chuckle. "well then, are you gonna come down for dinner? I made your favourite!" She said placing a grin on her face. I could tell something big was going to happen and she clearly wasn't sure how I was going to react.

"Okay tell me what's going on Luna Jane" She sighed again, this time less sarcastically.

"Am I really that bad at hiding my emotions?" she said with genuine curiosity on her face.

"No, I just happen to know you very well" I dead panned, "so tell me what's wrong"

"Wewillbehavingvisitorsinthepack" She said all in one rush that it took me a few seconds to decipher it.

"Oh really who?" I said trying to smother the worry and panic that came over me as she said those words.

"Angels" She said, "You will be told about it later on in the pack meeting but I know that after.. You have been weary of new species"

"oh Angels should be okay right? Aren't they mean tot be all holy" Trying to put a bit of humour into the conversation so that she doesn't worry too much.

"Yes they are Tobias but are you sure you will be okay with this?" She said obviously troubled with worry and I could help but feel a pang of guilt as she looke so stricken by this.

"Yes I'm sure, I mean I have nothing against angels just... Other creatures" I say trying not to cause anymore worry for her.

"Okay good because don't know what I would have done if this caused problems for you" she said fiddling with her hands. In that moment for the first time in years I had resist hugging a person. Genuinely hold myself back from hugging her.

"I promise I'm fine Luna Jane" I said trying to make her feel better and I guess it worked because she instantly lighted up and jumped up.

"Good, so I'm going to go serve dinner but if you aren't down in the next 10 minutes I don't know if you will get any left" she said winking and walked out of the room leaving the room smelling like sweet tea and lemon.

Now all I have to worry about is the angels that are going to be inhabiting my house for the next god I don't even know how long! What am I going to do? I mean what I told her is true I've got nothing again angels in fact I've never even met one but that doesn't help the weariness... Oh well I will just have to make do. So I picked myself up off my bed and went to my en-suite to use the loo before walking downstairs in hope of there being some dinner left over.

AN: So there we go people! First chapter! Lets see where this goes! If you like please pm or comment or vote because or else I will jut be updating for myself and that will take who knows how long.

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