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A/n first time writing anything so don't think anything if I mess it up k bye lovelies
Name: Evee
Hobbes:any sports, video games and reading/writing
Loves:youtube, video games, art, music/singing/playing instruments and many more
Siblings:one that she remembers called Liam (but she actually has four sisters and five brothers Liam is one of the brothers)
Some pasts: one where there in the war between gods, when there superheroes and when there in something like the walking dead
Powers:godly powers, hybrid powers and many more
Real parents:Thor Odison, Irean Phoenix, shad darklord and Lilly heart (yes she has four different parents plus their all gods)
A/n don't have wifi all the time so slow updates sorry get wifi soon hopefully

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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