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"Opportunities are like sunrises, If you wait too long you miss them"


"Kiss me then" I said passionately then slightly, a soft pair of lips came crashing into min

Our first kiss....

His lips moved passionately and my lips intertwined fast, I thought his lips would be familiar, but I was wrong, It was never familiar

"eherm" a cough interrupted our kiss

We both broke off the kiss and awkwardly stare at each other

I was it was a saleslady who interrupted us

She was looking bad at me but then she turned eyes into my boyfriend and then she.. giggled?

Dang her!

"Okay, I'm getting that coat BABE" I accentuated the word babe and then sales lady's eyes turned into me again.

"let's go babe" Tae said and then he snaked his arms around my waist and then we turn around and walk away

before completely leaving that bitch saleslady, while we are walking, I turned my head around to her and stuck my tongue out. She looks at me in annoyance. I chuckled

"Don't get jealous babe, I know I'm too pretty but I only love you" Jack said. This boy, I didn't know he has this side of him, not to gentleman but I like it.

"I know you won't leave me because you can't find another girl like me" I said braggingly. I don't know where I got the confidence of saying this stuff but yeah..


This is practically my first day at work, but this is just a part-time job, I promised mom that I'll get a better job later on

I entered the cafe at exactly 1:48pm, Tae said my shift starts at 2pm and ends at 12 midnight at the counter

I went to our mini locker area to change my uniform until someone hugged me real tight

"Who are you" I said and then he quickly let go.

I saw his face and he was actually very handsome.

"Hey gurl, I can't believe that you forgot about me too!" He said and pouted

he's cute but there's something in him that I can't explain, his voice is really high pitched but it sound forced


I didn't know I was giving him a look until he said "Don't give me a look Harry"

"So you know me?"I asked and pointed myself

"Of course! You brat! How can you forget about me!? Im .. Duhhh"Ron

"our shift is starting in five minutes better get going, Bye bitch!" He said then leave

The way he said goodbye to me..


I love him already....


Hours flew like seconds and now it's our last customer

"I would like a caramel cocoa cluster frap in Venti and two green tea frap in grande" the customer says

"that would be 15.99"I said and bowed to the customer( A/N:I didn't know the prices lol)

"uhm, by the way im Harry from MAL Models, are you interested on signing?" The customer gave me his calling card and my I was so shocked that my jaw dropped.

"You should think about it" Harry said and gave me the payment.

Since he's the last customer before our shop closes, I kind of have the time to talk it out with Ron since Jack's not really here.

"Ron, look" I called Ron out who's sitting at the corner of our mini locker area


"A customer gave this" I showed him the calling card "earlier" I continued

"Shit, you should definitely go"


"This is a big opportunity gurl, This is the opportunity you've been waoting for!"

A/N: sup! I have a story on Tap it's called the "8th member"

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