chapter 7

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*Graylin's Pov*

Colby went flying back as soon as I put up my hand, I did it on my first try too! I wonder if I can do it with out my hand.

"Are you ok?" I yelled.

"Yeah. Try it one more time."

I'm going to try to do it with only my eyes this time, maybe I'll figure out something on my own.

I stared at him, making sure not to focus on anything else but him and what I'm about to do. I exhaled deeply then jerked my head slightly to the right, and he went flying.

He groaned In pain as he held his shoulder. I ran over to him and helped him up, maybe I should practice the powers that don't hurt people.

"How'd you do that?" He asked.

"With my eyes."

He stared at me with disbelief and then went into deep thought. What's wrong with what I did?

"Let's work on healing," He said, breaking out of his thoughts.

"The main thing to this power is feeling and concentration. You have to feel what the other person feels in order to heal them. Your hands will glow when the healing process starts."

"Ok, I got it." I replied.

He picked up a sharp rock from the ground and then held it to his upper arm, he then pressed it into his flesh.

"I hope you do, because-" he stopped his sentence the gashed his skin with the rock.

It wasn't that deep, but it was still enough to make blood flow out of his arm. I started to panic and then held my hands up to his bleeding wound.

I concentrated as hard as I could, I felt his pain and it was agonizing. Slowly my hands started glowing red, it's working.

His bleeding stopped and I removed my hands, the cut was completely healed. I'm glad I healed it in time.

"Colby why would you do that!" I said while stomping.

When I stomped the leaves that had fallen from the trees started to rise up into the air. We both looked at each other in shock.

"You need to be careful with that." He stated.

I glared at him and he held up his hands and muttered a quick sorry. As if it wasn't obvious that I needed to keep it under control.

I'm going to try the invisibility power on my own. I closed my eyes and pictured being completely clear. I gathered all my energy and focused on my next move.

"Graylin?" Colby called out.

"Can you see me?" I asked as I placed a hand on his shoulder.

He jumped back and grabbed his chest.

"You scared the fuck out of me. You turned invisible by yourself, I'm so proud of you." He smiled.

I managed to reappear within a matter of seconds, we got through all of my powers. Now the tricky part is going to be controlling them.

And to think I was missing out on this just because I didn't believe in The Guardians. I was so stupid....

*Colby's Pov*

"Would you hate it if I took you out to eat for getting all your powers?" I asked.

She rubbed her chin playfully and then raised her eyes brows at me.

"Do I get to pick?" She asked.

"The choice is yours."

"Texas Roadhouse." She replied with a cheesy smile.

secrets and serendipity // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now