The Cutting Man

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"I can't think of a reason my son, Albert, would do that!".

The short, stubby man exclaimed, making his voice as clear as crystal. This day wasn't going well- first it was the contamination of his biology lab at work, thanks to the hands of a complete stooge, and now this! He couldn't believe such a thing... Why would Albert even dream, attempt, dare to do such a thing? His world crumbled as he absorbed the words that pierced like a bullet through his flesh. His own son, that he raised so dearly, had no possible motive... He is a devoted Christian, as far as he knows...

"I demand to know why you would think Albert would be capable of such a thing!".

"Mrs. Capplebeck has told us that Albert volunteered to babysit her son, and when she returned home, he explained that your son had sexually assaulted him".

"Nonsense! He would never touch a child in that way! You are out of your mind!".

Mr. Lionsfeld couldn't accept this. Obviously Albert was framed. That idiotic son of Mrs. Capplebeck, Stu, has always had something against Albert, ever since Albert told Stu's mother of a bong hidden within Stu's bedroom. But that grudge has gone too far.

Mr. Lionsfeld paced ahead of the police officers while walking down to visit his 'innocent' son. He wasn't sure of what to say, his words were not escaping and his mind was blank. All he could think about was that kid, Stu, and why he would do such a stupid thing as take it this far. They arrived at the solid shut door and the police officers quickly opened it. There was Albert, in an obvious orange jumpsuit with cuffs dangling from his wrists. His face was expressionless and his ocean blue eyes refused to move, his silky blonde hair static. He neither bothered talking or looking up to face his father in his eyes.

"Al? Son?".

Albert took a deep breath but still didn't look at his father.

"10 minutes is all we'll allow. Okay?".


The door shut with a heavy click. Albert had his head hung down, refusing to look at his father still. His father could not register his son's emotions- it was not the classic 'reading someone like a book' situation. His son would not allow anyone, not even the people who were closest to him, allow to venture beyond his ocean blue eyes and plunder through his heart below.

"I don't believe you did it... I have full trust in you and that St-"

"I did do it" was all he said.

Mr. Lionsfeld could not believe it. His own son had the courage to not only interrupt him, but to also prove that his trust within his own son was not valid.


"I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE FUCKING LORD! THERE IS NO GOD, YOU FUCKING MORON! NO GOD!". He sat down and became calm immediately after the outburst. Mr. Lionsfeld could not take this... He needed to know why his son would do it and then he could leave in peace.

"Why did you do it?"

"Because he annoyed me. Because I am a disgusting homosexual, as you would put it, because I am an evil son-of-a-bitch... You choose".

"Just tell me... Please..."

He said this in an almost pleading manner.

"No one will be able to know. I am not a breakable person. The AA meetings you sent me to? Course they didn't work. The Army? Of course it didn't make me a better man. Going to Church with Grandma each Sunday? Are you joking? The Bible condemning homosexuality, telling me I'm unnatural? That's the funniest one. Nothing could ever change me. Nothing would stop me. Nothing got the truth out of me and no one has ever got the truth out of me and never will. You can ponder all your lives, but I am no simple criminal. I have done things and will do things that you will nickname me Lucifer for, but what will these simple names do to me? I care for no one and nothing. Attractive men? They're objects to me... Not partners. Of course, you know I'm talking about the gay bars Dad. You will never know why".

His father stared at the man. The words that came out of his son's mouth were unbelievable. Is this the side Albert didn't show anyone while being behind a mask if cheerfulness at home? He just wanted to walk away, to wish that he could of noticed his son's strange behaviour earlier: rapidly blinking eyes, hating his family, no calls home to say how he was doing, the late nights coming home... He was the total opposite before but yet his own father failed to notice this within his son. He just wanted to break down.

"Albert, if you don't wanna talk like father and son, then I shall le-"

"Leave, who cares? I don't".

And with that, his father walked out of the grey, plain room and entered the white hallway. He walked away from his son. His own son, who deep down, was so desperately broken down and inhuman... And his own father walked away from him...

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