The Way She Felt!

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This is just a poem about girls in some areas where they aren't allowed to do what they like and are made to behave and do what the society deems fit.

It is not make anyone offend. It is just something that I have seen prevailing even in todays time where there is so much upliftment and modernisation.


She was just a girl,
not some whirlwind twirl.
She should have been treasured,
and not kept measured.
She wanted to take up a career,
Which was outgoing and creative,
The society pointed at her,
and made her stir.
She then thought a lot,
as what to change for her slot,
and now wasn't sure,
of what she wanted to endure.
She finally convinced herself,
decided to change the shelf,
where she wanted to fit
and create an identity amidst,
the people she thought cared,
they succeeded to tear,
all her hopes and highs
to fearful lows and sighs.

She tried fitting into the society,
by making choices that they allowed,
she failed miserably to keep up,
with the people's fake make up.
She flared and flayed,
and everyone played,
with her feelings and emotions,
she was fixed in a commotion.
She tried and tried and tried,
and later cried and cried and cried.
no one around her was bothered,
to see her in a condition tethered,
where was that society now,
that had treated her and how,
She was left alone,
standing in the crowd like a clone,
Of the perfect fit,
that the society deemed hit.
But was it what she wanted?
Had anyone tried to ask?

She left her dreams behind,
to fulfill the society's mind.
Was she happy after all this,
or was she just having a miss,
By not listening to her heart,
Did she take the correct cart.
Then they all blamed her,
for all the problems that stir,
Was there anyone?
when she needed someone
Was there single person beside,
when she wanted the society to go aside.
No one stood up for her,
while she stood for them mere.
Now she stood all alone,
in the deepest and darkest stone,
where no one could reach,
as she had now created a breach,
where they did not matter
because only she was shattered.

She took up a new beginning,
loose ends were now tying,
but the society still didn't back,
from their insensitive lack.
Where they again tried to blame,
for the new emerging flame,
that had been igniting,
to keep her fighting.
She was now motivating,
and away from the society baiting.
She tried to fit in well,
but now that wasn't even a point to tell
She had moved far ahead,
to make her place and bread.
She fought it all
and became like a rigid wall,
standing against the turmoils
and keeping from tuning to a coil.

She just wished she would succeed,
and leave behind and proceed,
the barriers that were created,
from the way she was treated.
She was now further in life,
and trying to live without a hype.
It was her determination that won,
Not the petty people who said a ton.
All she wanted was to bash,
The stupid people who had encashed,
her vulnerability and silence,
that she couldn't have violence.
She was now hale and happy,
and away from people making her sappy,
to keep up her strength
and to go to life's length.

The way she feltWhere stories live. Discover now