A Guardian?!? meanwhile with the title princess?!?

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(A/N:_____ Is where your name goes and if it says you just replace it with I if you have to, to make it have more sense)
"WAKE UP LITTLE SISTER!!" Your sister said *Yawn* "What do you want Emmy?!?!* You said very annoyed "School idiot" She said in reply
"Okay I get it now out!" you said after you put on your Uniform "WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE A SKIRT" You Yelled you realized the time and started to leave"Bye Mom,Dad" You yelled while running out the door "Phew I made it." You said in a relived voice "Okay I'm supposed to look for a girl with pink hair named amu" You said ''your looking for me?" Amu said from behind you "Your Amu?? Nice to meet you I'm_____, "I guess we should get going" Amu's friends came up to amu you eventually slipped away akwardly but this girl with short brown pigtails stopped you "Where do you think your going?!?! Oh and I'm yaya" yaya said in her baby voice "I'm uh just going to the uh bathroom" you said nervously "We have assembly" the girl with the Purple hair said " oh and I'm Nadshiko Nice to meet you!" Nadshiko said "uh right" you said nervously

Time Skip!

At the Assembly the chara you had that had already hatched came out "What Are you so Upset about ______!" Yui Asked (A/N: Your chara that had Hatched is yui) "be Quiet people will think I'm nuts because they can't see you" you said in a whispering voice without moving your lips to make it look like you weren't talking but then suddenly your bag shakes you gasp realizing what it is you run out of there because you gasped so loud out of embarrassment you ran out of the school you were at a grave yard not knowing how you got there you just saw an abandoned grave yard all the stones that represented a loved on of someone had all crumbled and some just cracked it was foggy you were scared you hadn't felt this scared for ages then suddenly someone grabbed you shoulder and before you could scream they covered your mouth you also noticed they had your other 4 chara eggs "How How Did you get those!" You asked infuriated "Hn it was simple while i grabbed you i went into your bag and grabbed them.. and it seems your next one is about to hatched i'm surprised no one has ever had so many chara's, 5 i was surpised when i saw a girl with 3.. " The man dressed in black with blue hair said "Oh and I'm Ikuto" Ikuto said "W-why would you say your name?" you asked "Well i did take your eggs it only makes sense" Ikuto Said "G-Give them back right now!" you demanded "Now why would i do that?" he smirked Yui! Character Change Now! "Right" Yui said "jump Spin Dance" Yui said and suddenly i was really fast and not tripping i got back one egg that was about to hatch and when i did it came out " Hello I'm Mikasa pleasure to meet you!" Mikasa Said with a smile on her face "Mikasa do you think you could try and character change with me?" you asked " I don't see why not " Suddenly my hair was in a ponytail with a clip holding my bangs out of my eyes" eventually i got all of them back "I'm so happy you are all safe you said with a smile on your face "I-i Can't believe you beat me.." ikuto said "Don't EVER Mess with me again" you said Infuriated "I'll be back" Is all Ikuto said

"_______-Chan" Amu Said " Ahh Amu it's nice to see you" you said with a smile "h-how do you have that many chara eggs?" amu asked super confused "Its a long story" you said anxious to get out of there then suddenly you see the rest of the guardians come out of "forest" next to the grave yard "_____ would you like to join us in the guardians? and also nice to meet you i'm tasdase " Tasdase asked quietly as if to stop the dead from hearing "UM uh I'm sorry I'm not looking to be a part of anything yet" you said after that you left and just went home

Time Skip! (Again)

you went home read your manga realizing that you've read this manga to many times "Ugh I need more i've read Attack on titan to many times!" you thought so no one would here you after that you went to school walking to school amu caught up to you you guys chatted you were nervous to go to school amu had said she had went through that too and they all thought she was cooler afterwards "they'll never think that about me they just think I'm a geek" you replied "Don't worry this afternoon will be better!" Amu said with a smile it hit the afternoon you all headed to the assembly "Today we have a new Guardian her title will be different from ours but the title is Princess and that title goes to _______ "WAIT WHAT?!?!" you yelled in confusion they all just had smirks except for tasdase he just smiled normally "This is gonna be one hell of a school" you thought "I've been reading to much Black Butler" you thought to yourself again... next thing you know you were sitting in the glass green room..

(a/N: OOOOh what will happen now?)

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