stuck with the Guardians

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(A/n: I changed the name it is called something different on quotev, that is because I said finally a update, and since these chapters are being posted at once it didn't make sense to make that the title also, I'll Try to write "I" Forgive me if i write "You")

_______ Pov:
"So your telling me I'm stuck being a guardian now? Even when i told you i did NOT wanna be one?" I said " Yep that pretty much it" Kukai said
you stormed out of there super P*ssed off (A/n: Sorry there will be a little bit of swear words to express your madness and stuff like that but in the story you will never actually say any) you wandered and wandered until your charas Mikasa and Yui came out " Why are you so stiff" Yui Asked in a mocking voice "What did i tell you yui i can't talk to you in public!" I said Back "___ do you know why i hatched as soon as you got me back?" Mikasa Asked i looked around to make sure no one was there no one was so i continued to talk to my charas "No... why did you come out of your egg so soon after yui?" I asked "It's because i'm you brave side apart from the real you who is really shy and can't stand up to people and i was born so you could put your ideas out into the world' Mikasa Answered

"Crap! The next period is about to start!" i ran to school but somehow got lost.... again..... 'See I told you i'd be back" I heard from the shadows "Ikuto... It has to be ikuto!" I thought to myself, i protected my eggs with all my might ikuto finally came out from the shadows "i knew it Get lost i told you not to bug me anymore!" I said still P*ssed off from earlier "Well if i could i would" Ikuto said he was now frowning not smirking "But In order to get something i need... i need those eggs of yours" Ikuto Said "When Hell Freezes over" I said Sarcastically "Fine I'll just grab them my self" Ikuto said while running at me "Yui Now Character Change!" i said Loud Suddenly i was fast again dodging his moves with ease but then i tripped over a rock and he got my Eggs "Hn Easy you really thought i wouldn't get them" And it seems your third chara is about to hatch.... i guess we'll see if its truly the thing i'm looking for" Ikuto said suddenly I see the guardians behind Me "Oh uh hey guys!" *Sweat Drop* "Hey Guys" i said Nervous like they were gonna kill me "Ikuto! Why do you have to do this" Amu Shouted "Amu.. I was hoping you would of left the guardians.." Ikuto said with disapointment "Ran Character Transform!" Amu said " Character wha-" I said "Its not working why isn't it working?" Amu said 'Somethings blocking it " Tasdase said 'The Humpty Lock is being blocked by a Huge amount of power" tadase said "Amu Pass the lock to _____ Would you" tasdase said "Huh why me?!?!" i said just getting more and more confused by the second "If I'm right you should be able to transform" tasdase said "umm Okay amu pass it to me" i said still confused all the sudden my character change with yui changed into a character Transformation a short dark purple dress with a ribbon around the waste with Black Ballerina slippers and Your hair in a pony tail cute-dresses-dresses-30794110-300-400 "Dark Dancer"
"Wha- I'M IN A FLIPPING DRESS NOW... Someone kill me now please?' I said Embarrassed "Okay Anyways Give them back now and no one gets hurt kay?" I said "Hnn yeah Right." All the sudden Ikuto Transforms "Black Lynx" Now lets see who can win Shall We" Ikuto said
you got a few scratches from his claws but since I had a Katana With the transformation he had quite a few himself eventually I got them all back and he took off again "So ____ I think you should keep that lock" Amu said "No no i can't its yours" I said amu shook her head "But you see it won't react to me anymore" She said you you shook you head and headed home with the lock

~Chapter 2 End~ I DO NOT Own Shugo chara or any characters from the anime :3

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