Chapter 7: Teased

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Chapter 7: Asher's POV

I wondered why Blake and Riley wanted to sit with me because everyone in this school was so stuck up and homophobic that it wasn't even funny. I didn't realize that I was staring at Riley until he turned around and looked at me.

With a smirk, Riley laughed and said,"Is there something on my face?" However, he looked at me like he knew that wasn't the reason I was staring at him. In an instant I turned bright red and looked the other way.

"I wasn't staring at you! I was looking at behind you," I protested lamely, knowing that I was caught by them. I turned to see Jamie trying to stifle a laugh and Aaron with a stiff face that stated 'What the hell do those guys think they are doing?' Aaron always gets like that when Jamie or I is getting teased. He calls it his brotherly sense. Even though he knows he is not our brother. However, he is the closest thing Jamie or I have had as family.

"Why is your face so red? Are you embarrassed? You have such cute reactions," Blake teased me. I didn't think my cheeks could get anymore red, but to my surprise they did. I was as red as a red rose. And do you wanna know what's worse? I could feel myself getting a hard on from just their voices! I just hope nobody will notice, otherwise I will become a bigger outcast than I already am.

"T-t-that's because I'm s-s-starting to feel a-a-a bit hot in here," I stuttered hoping I didn't look like a total fool in front of them. Although when I saw Blake start to smirk at the reaction, I knew I just revealed why I was so red.

"Oh really now. I think you're hiding something from us, babe." Damn! Even though I hate people calling me names, when Riley said it, I was totally turned on. "Right Blake?"

After Riley had added a that small bit, I turned to look at Blake and I saw him shaking his head in agreement. These boys are definitely gonna be the death of me! I turned to Jamie for help but he was just cracking his butt off.

"Jamie, you traitor!" I whispered-screamed at Jamie in desperation. I looked at Aaron with eyes begging for help and he looked happy to break everything up. I wonder why though. But i left that thought alone for now and waited for myself to be out of this mess.

"Boys in the back! I believe that you guys aren't working on your project. I don't want to catch you guys not working again. Otherwise, I might have to break your group up," Aaron's strict voice echoed through the classroom while I silently thanked Aaron for that save. Aaron gave me a nod back and mouthed 'If you need help, just come find me.'

'Don't worry I will,' I mouthed back to him. He looked like he was about to reply but my attention was distracted somewhere else. I saw some school slut come and approach Riley and Blake. I watched as she tried to get them interested in her and I started to feel a burning thing in my chest. What the hell was I feeling?!?! This was so confusing. I can't possibly like these guys right?! They will only add more to my invisible pain list and I really don't want that.

"Why are you glaring at her, sweetheart?" I looked up to see Riley looking at me with 'confusion'. But we both knew he really was going to give some answer that seems to be exactly what I am feeling at the moment. "Could you be jealous?"

I was about to respond to that with another sarcastic retort but I saw how Riley's face and I was shocked. He seemed to look happy at the fact that I might be jealous, but why would he be happy about that, I'm just a nobody and I can never forget that. I wasn't allowed to. I pulled myself out of my thoughts and knew I would have to give an answer.

But instead of me answering, Blake decided to join in again,"I believe that he is jealous that's why his face is burning red and he isn't answering us."

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