Chapter 16: Sneaky and Naughty

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Asher's Point of View

Here I was. Sitting down between two hot guys that I just met and don't really know well. Yet they can make my heart beat and feel things that I have not felt for a while. Let me tell you, it was sure difficult trying to eat because two pairs of eyes would not stop staring at me. This made it so difficult to eat because how the hell does someone eat when two hot twins are staring at you. Blake looked away however Riley kept on staring. I don't get why? What is he looking at? Then I realized that I was hogging the guacamole. Whoops!

"Riley, do you need the guacamole? I'm sorry, I just forgot to pass it around," I asked politely but I was to scared to look at him directly. What? He can be a bit scary at times but that's because I'm not use to the stares.

"Um yeah, that's what I want," Riley said with some doubt in his mind. Like he was contemplating what he really wanted. However, I decided to ignore not because it wasn't something that mattered to me.

"Here you go!" I responded back almost dropping the bowl on the ground causing me to become embarrassed. Sometimes I am so clumsy, it's terrible! But right now that did not matter.

"Asher, why are you biting your lip?" Riley asked, more like growled at me. I did not realize that I was biting my lip but I usually do that when I am thing hard. Was Riley mad at me for something? Did I do something wrong or is he just tired. "Stop biting you lip!"

"Um sorry, its a force of habit. When I think hard I tend to bite my lip a lot, but why are you mad?" I questioned him. He has no right to be mad at me because I have done nothing wrong. He needs to learn how to be happy and right now I am not going to put up with this. I just want to eat my dinner in peace.

"Sorry I did not mean to snap at you, I am just having a little bit of trouble with control right now," Riley replied to me. All I could think was, It's not my fault that you have to act like a total asshole!

After dinner was over I felt tired and drained. All I wanted to do was sleep, but as soon as I go on the bed, someone entered the room. I assumed it was Jamie because I thought Riley and Blake had left due to Aaron almost beating them up. Let me add that I was only in my boxers because that is all I can sleep in.

"Yah, come sit with me on the bed!!!!" I asked, patting the bed. I started singing along to VIXX, Error, and thinking about how hot Leo was. "You know, Leo is so hot, I love his personality, and OH MY GOD, HE IS SO PERFECT!!!"

For some reason Jamie was just standing there, not saying anything. I got out of bed and started dancing and rambling about the twins. About how hot they were and how I did not understand how they made me feel.

"Jamie! Why won't you say anything?" I whine to him and still don't look to see who it is because it could only be Jamie, at least that's what I thought.

"Now explain to me who is this Leo guy and why is he so hot?!" a beautiful silky voice growled out. Problem! That was definitely not Jamie's voice, that sounded like Blake's voice! I slowly turned around to see who it was and sure enough Blake and Riley were standing at the door. Riley looked angry but yet he was smirking at something and Blake was just staring at my body.

"You have never heard of Leo?! Search him up" ((if you guys like Kpop but don't know who VIXX is I recommend you to listen to them, now back to the story!)) I snapped at them sassily. Yet it did not seem to effect them and they were just staring at my body, I wonder why. I looked down and then at their faces and then back down. Oh yeah, I'm not wearing anything else besides my boxers. Wait, why the hell am I just standing here thinking that?! I quickly ran to my bed and covered my body with my blankets, my face seemed to be on fire and I could not look at them.

The room was extremely quiet, but all the sudden a loud animal growl rang through the house. People on Mars could hear this growl!

"What the f*** was that?!" I asked, feeling irritated with it. I understand that the twins were hot and everything but I really just want to be alone right now, that is all.

"That was nothing," Riley cleared his throat looking embarrassed.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion and glared at them, "Why are you guys here anyway? Shouldn't you go home now?"

"Are you not coming with us?" Blake asks extremely close to me. I turn to see Blake behind me, and started to wonder when the hell did he get there. When I turn to face front, Riley was right in front of me!

"Um no I am not going with you guys. Can you please move, you're making me uncomfortable," I asked. I really just want to go back to listening to my music and then dream about my beautiful Leo.

Instead of answering me I was picked up and placed in Blake's lap, "W-What ar--" I was cut off from what I wanted to say because someone's hands started to go up my shirt. I tried to squirm away but Riley help me firm and grabbed my face. He started to kiss me and I could not help it. I started to kiss back and all sense was lost.

I forgot all about Blake and focused on Riley, all the sudden there was a pinch on my nipple and I pushed forward, pushing against Riley. I let out a small moan as Blake kept making his presence aware and Riley kept on kissing me. All I could think about was the pleasure and moaned out louder.

In a minute, everything stopped, I was left on the bed alone and frustrated.

I whimpered out, "B-Blake? R-Riley?" I do not care if I just met them, all I want is for them to be in bed with me right now.

I saw Riley smirk at me, "Sorry, we have to go, sleep well." With that, they both walked out the door, leaving me. I quickly ran to the bathroom and took a cold shower. I feel so mad right now, am I just a flipping toy to them?!

Blake's Point of View

I cannot believe we just left him there! Why did we do that? I know we were loosing control but it is important for us to wait till he is ready, ugh we are so stupid!

I could feel the tears start to build up in my eyes, knowing that we may have ruined the one and only chance with our mate. He probably hates us so much. All I wanted to do was to slam him down on the bed and make love to him until he can't walk for 3 weeks. But I know he is not ready that is why we left. Gosh we are so stupid!

-the next day-

Time to go to school...

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