Chapter 2 - Second Chance At First Line

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From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: In the Beacon Hill Preserve, Scott and Haley slowly turned around to see the creature as it leaped toward them.

Scott: (voice over) "Previously On Worlds Colliding (Teen Wolf)"

Haley gasped.

Scott pushed Haley out of the way.

Haley fell to the ground.

Haley groaned, standing when she heard Scott shouting.

The wolf grabbed Scott by the leg with his teeth and it was dragging him.

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: On the road, Haley pulled up Scott's hoodie, and shirt, revealing the bite on his side. "Oh, my God."

Scott: (voice over from 1.01 - Wolf Moon) "It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf."

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: Outside the BHHS, Scott, Haley and Stiles walked toward the school.

"A wolf bit you?" Stiles asked.

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: In class, the vice principal opened the door for Allison. "Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome."

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: In class, Ari and Stacie sat next to each other, exchanging weird, uncomfortable smiles.

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: In school hallway, Allison and Ari were standing at their lockers on one side of the hall.

Scott, Haley, Stacie and Stiles were across the hall, watching them.

Lydia joined them.

Allison looked between Ari and Lydia. "I'm sorry, are you guys related?"

"We're cousins," Lydia told her. "That's Arielle, but we like to call her Ari."

Stiles watched as Ari walked outside.

"She probably doesn't let people close," Haley told them. "Not after Adriana disappeared."

"Yeah..." Stiles trailed off. "I couldn't imagine losing my twin sister."

"Dude, you and I, Haley and Scott, we're fraternal, Ari and Adriana are identical," Stacie told him. "Kinda hurts worse."

"Right," Stiles agreed.

Scott looked from Stacie to Haley. "You two used to be close with them. The four of you and two others your little girl clique."

Stacie and Haley shared a look.

Stacie shook her head, looking down. "It's too weird now."

Haley sighed. "It actually hurts. Even after all this time."

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: In the school hallway, Jackson pushed Scott against his locker. "What the hell is going on with you, McCall?"

"I can see, hear, and smell things that I shouldn't be able to see, hear, and smell," Scott told him.

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: In the Preserve, Tara was running through the woods, chasing the creature.

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: At Lydia's party, Derek was standing behind Stacie in the shadows. The looked at each other.

From 1.01 - Wolf Moon: In the woods, Derek was closer to Scott, Haley and Stiles. "What are you doing here?"

Scott noticed Tara behind him, looking at her for a moment.

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