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Eyes were rolled when he saw her. Arms folded and stare fierce.

He didn't ask for her to be here, neither did he give his manager the permission to let her into the group's personal life.

But he seemed thrilled with the fact that there was now a detective babysitting the maknae, and the group seemed more than satisfied with her 'know-it-all' persona and hard-working aura.

She reminded Jungkook of one of those perfect police officers who had perfect records, always turned up to work on time and graduated at the top of their academy.

He could also imagine she owned several coffee stained mugs at home and a study with a leather sofa where she went over all of her files while sipping that bitter coffee that ensured she stayed up all night.

He already hated her, and she hadn't even said anything yet.

"I'm sure you've already heard of Jungkook - since he is the one you're mainly working with," Sejin chuckled, and Jungkook sighed an inaudible sigh. "But we've also got Suga, Jimin, Rap Monster, J-Hope, V and Jin."

Each member either waved or smiled when Sejin introduced them, but Seokjin - being the softie he is - extended his arm out for the detective to shake his hand, a gentle smile on his face as he spoke.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Detective..." He drawled, and she smiled, pulling her hand away.

"L/N," she stated. "L/N Y/N."

Jungkook's nose turned up at how courteous she was, her black suit fitting the lean posture of her body and the snobby personality Jungkook thought she carried as she spoke.

She was so formal, and it made him feel sick.

"Detective L/N, you have no idea how much you're helping us just by being here - honestly," Namjoon grinned, and Y/N shook her head.

"Yeah, we're really grateful," Taehyung added. "Although, I don't get why anyone would want to kill Jungkook since he's not really worth very much."

Jungkook's head snapped to glare at Tae, his arm stretching out to karate chop his side, causing the latter to double over in pain despite the fact he was laughing.

Y/N let out a light giggle at the boys' antics, earning another glare from Jungkook, which caused Yoongi to slap him upside the back of his head.

"Oi, don't be rude," the older male grunted and Jungkook clicked his tongue.

He turned away from both the detective and the other members, mumbling something about practising before he was gone.

"Is he ok...?" Y/N asked, a light frown blighting her brows as she watched the maknae go.

"He's fine," Hoseok reassured, a bright smile on his face. "He's just being stubborn since he's going to have a girl around him twenty-four seven."

"He'll come round sooner or later," Jimin nodded, and Y/N looked over at him. "He just hates the idea of people hating him; it makes him feel useless."

Y/N's frown faded as she shook her head, turning around to look at the rest of the group and not just Jimin.

"Trust me, I'll be far from helping," she said through an airy laugh. "More like observing, making notes and phone calls."

An arm slung around her shoulder, and Y/N looked up to see Taehyung smiling down at her.

"Nevertheless, I'm sure Jungkook will realise you're only here to keep him safe and he'll be grateful for that," he stated, and Y/N smiled despite knowing things weren't going to be that simple.


word count: 594

opinions on the first real chapter? you guys have been chewing my arm off for another update jeSUS

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