The council

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   The council is made up of very poweful people with very powerful allies so i try to have everyone get along before we start a second great war. The councils ranking is based off of the amount of influence and territory one holds, obviously i hold the most then the wolves then the vamps and then the witches although the witches tend to stick to their graveyards and cemetaries. Due to the witches just picking sides we call our territories the 'Three Great Kingdoms'. Although i technically rule these three kingdoms each kingdom has a ruler.

 the wolf kingdom's leader is Jeremy an alpha from the north

The vampire kingdom is ruled by my son Ace 

The witches community is supported by sabrina a fairly powerful witch 

  Obviously they all answer to me but they sometimes think they can do whatever they want however they like but i cant have that without order there will be chaos and chaos brings tragedy. As precautions for the prevention of this chaos I implanted spies in the three kingdoms so i know whats going on at all times but the other council members did the same to me they just dont know that i know. See the problem of having powerful creatures taste power will only make them crave more it happens to everyone including me just that i dont intend on sharing that power so i had my witch place a curse on all the council members with the exception of myself and my son so that if one of the other members were to attack my family they'll die and agonizing death. 

   Each council member has his/her own castle to live in and their own sirelines or clans to protect them. Each castle is fortified from top to bottom with no way to sneak in or out with out the owner of the castle knowing, so to know whats going on from my spies i have to visit the council memebers from time to time on "buisness trips". I was visiting Jeremy in a few weeks cause he said he had some urgent matters to discuss about the mutts running about his territory, mutts are wild werewolves that belong to no clan they've either left the clan on their own or were kicked out. Naturally we hunted them down and killed them so they wouldnt disturb the peace cause if we let them live then they'll just form packs and that would be annoying for us.

    The weeks passed and i made my way to Jeremy's place he prefers to have a house with a big yard than a castle i dont know why, anyways when i got there i was escorted to the house by two guards who were big in size like they were on steroids or something. When we got inside i saw one of my spies walk by and he signalled to me that we needed to meet so as soon as the meeting with Jeremy was over i made my way to the side of the house for the meetup. I waited a few minutes but he didnt show then suddenly out of nowhere i saw this wolf come from the woods with my spies head in his mouth and it looked like he was coming for my head next. He charged me with full force and as soon as i was about to kill him Jeremy appeared and shouted "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" and immediately the wolf stopped. Apparently Jeremy knew that i planted a spy in his house but was just waiting to confirm it and when he did he was furious but he knew he couldnt do anything cause i had the power to destroy his clan by myself.

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