The Beauty And The Beast

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    When i got back to LA after my little disagreement with Jeremy i decided to go to one of the local bars to get a drink although its impossible for me to get drunk but one can still try. As i stepped throught the bar's door my phone started to ring so i answered and i walked and talked but then ended up bumping into this girl and spilt her drink on her and she instantly gave me this murderous stare. 

 "Im sorry for ruining your shirt" i said giving her a napkin

 "it's ok its not like it was cheap one" she said in an annoyed voice

 "I'll replace the shirt and the drink its the least i can do" i said as i pulled out my wallet

  "I DONT WANT YOUR MONEY!" she shouted as she walked away 

   " DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM GIRL!" i shouted as i grabbed her hand 

  she looked at me with that murderous look again and said "yes i know who you are Theo snow a.ka. king of LA right, well you know what i dont care you can go to hell" she said as she pulled away and walked out the bar with her friends. 

  She left me their in amazement no one has ever stood up to me knowing who i was they all just used to apologize and offered to do what ever i wanted but she was different she was interesting. A week later i sent a new shirt and ten bottles of the most expensive wine i could fine with a note saying:

  "hey im sorry for last week these are for you hope you enjoy."


  I had taken a liking to this girl and was interested to find out more, i was holding a party later on in the week so i sent her an invite in hopes that she would come but she replied the next day

   "Thanks for the wine and the new shirt and the invite but i cant go i dont have anything to wear that would be elegant enough for your party" 

  Now at that moment i had my taylor in my office showing me designs for a new suit so i asked him if he could show me some of dresses and as we looked through his book i found the perfect black dress for her to wear and asked him if he could make this when hes making my suit. A few days later i asked her if we could meet up cause i still had yet to know her name so we decided on a little coffee shop in the city. I arrived five minutes early so i could order a few treats for us before she arrived when i finished ordering a car pulled up outside and she got out and made her way to one of the tables outside. I grabbed two coffees and the treats and headed outside to meet her, we sat down for a good thirty minutes before i finally asked her name.

  "My name is alex" she said smiling

  "Beautiful name for me a beautiful girl" i said as i saw her blush instantly

   After a few more minutes of chatting i showed her the designs for the dress i was getting made for her and she fell inlove with it immediately and then she asked why am i doing all this so i told her that she intrigues me so i want to know about her. The day after the clothes were finished so i sent her dress to her for the party tonight then started to get things ready before the guest arrive. A good five hours passed and i had yet still to get ready so i rushed upstairs to bathe and change into my new suit, as the night came and everyone started to arrive i was doing a round checking on everything when suddenly i saw everyone went silent and turned to the door and there she was in that pretty black dress walking towards me and all anyone could do was just stand there amazed at her beauty.

    The night went by and most of the guests were drunk by now and in one of the rooms having sex but me and alex were just there sitting and drinking and much to my surprise she wasnt drunk yet so i asked her if she would like to continue this upstairs and she agreed. When we got to my place we instantly went back to drinking and talking and then i saw that she was getting drunk finally but i didnt have the desire to sleep with her like that so i stopped her from drinking and carried her home. After i dropped her off she went out like light and all i could think was that shes an amzing girl but i knew once she learned the truth about me she'd be in danger and she would be scared of me so i had to distance myself from her little did i know it would be harder than i thought.

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