Chapt. One

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Chapter One: Run

Running way was the only thing that was on my mind and what kept me going was my horrible father. Bet y'all are wondering why I am running away, right? Well when you have a father like mine, them you'd understand.


I tried pulling my arm away and run away from him but it wasn't working "quite squirming you piece of filth!" he gripped my arm tighter and kept dragging me away from my only home, the home that burnt down. The home where once a nice and loving family lived...

Flack back over• ('•' means there's a flash back).

I was 10 at the time, my parents just divorced a couple of months before my father felt like burning the house and moving away. My father and mother loved each other, but it all fell apart when he found out she cheated on him and he turned abusive.

Now I'm 16 and knew I had to get out and run away from him. I turned mute after that day we moved. I never once spoken or laughed or smiled since. I had no friends, no family. No one.. Plus since my father was out drinking and forgot to set the alarm on the house, I knew it was my time to go. 'Keep running, keep going, have to get away' were the words that kept me going.

I had a backpack with a clothes, food, water, and one book in it. I knew I've been running for a couple of hours and knew my legs were getting tired and myself thirsty but I couldn't stop, I can never stop. I had to get away.

--------Hours Later-------

I've been running too long and knew that if I didn't stop, I would pass out. I saw a nice tree and climbed up a few branches. I stopped on a sturdy one and took out my water bottle and drank half of it then took out a granola bar and ate it.

Well, I should tell you who I am. My name is Allyson Colemane. I am 16 years old and I've loved with my abusive father since I was 10 years old. My mother didn't want me. I didn't miss her though. She left me.

I wanted as the sun started to go down and it soon became dark. Oh I forgot to mention. I have a danger with me. Wen I was 5, my father made me take Karate. Soo but I guess your wondering "why couldn't you just defend yourself" well, I couldn't because he would drug me, yes drug me!

As I listened to the nature near me, I let the darkness take over.

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