first night

16 3 2

still working on this but I felt it was ready to be published.

As soon as I open the car door I hear barking from the house. One is a deeper, louder bark and the other is small and squeaky.

"Dogs?" I gasp hopefully.

"Oh that's right. I knew i forgot to tell you something," Dad says more to himself as he unbuckles his seatbelt. "You're okay with dogs, right? You're not afriad or allergic?"

"Um I don't think so. My step dad is allergic so I haven't been around many. Are they nice?"

"Yeah, absolutely. They're both super friendly and love making new friends. They'll probably follow you around all night," he tells me once we're at the door.

It's a small house, just one floor. There are a few dog toys in the yard but nothing else very noteworthy. There's lots of trees, i guess, and it's close to a main road on a cute little town. I bet it's one of those towns were everyone knows everyone and gives each other pies. Are those places real or do they just exist in movies?

The door flies open and a pink haired girl comes running out. "Hello new friend!" she waves with both arms.

"Why are you outside, Bennie?" Dad questions as he shuts the car door.

"Cuz I'm super excited!" She then runs up to me. "Welcome to our house! Our dogs are super excited for you to be here."

"I'm super excited to meet them, too."

"Do you want help taking in your things?" Dad asks.


"Yay! I'm Bennie, did I tell you that?" She's bouncing with excitment, literally. It kind of scares me. I don't know why she's so excited to see me...

It's just the idea of you. She'd be just as excited if anyone came out of that car it has nothing to do with you. She won't be able to stand you come the end of the night.

"You didn't say it but I being called that. b-but I'm Pa-"

"The Patricia! Dad told me all about you. I wish you could stay longer than a day, though."

"Yeah, me too."

"But we'll have so much fun tonight, anyway!"

"I hope so."

The dog starts howling behind the door. He sounds so sad that i really feel bad.

"Do you wanna meet our doggos?" Bennie asks.

"Are they nice?"

"Super nice! They just really really like meeting people so they're gonna get up in your business. Penny will. Codie's the chill pup."

"Are you sure they're not going to attack me? Or something like that."

"I'd fight them for you. But they're pretty chill, they don't do much."

"Penny just barks at you," Dad adds. "She's completely harmless."

"Oh okay. Thank you."

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