I Messed Up

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I bumped into her and then I just froze. And then I said "Uh Hey" Hi, she said and then I ran to Physical Ed. The thing about Physical Ed is that we are in the same class. So we was playing kickball and it was my turn. I kicked it but then the ball hit Liz in the face. She had blood running down her nose and tears down her cheek I felt so bad. I went over there and helped her to the nurse. I said I was really sorry she said It's okay but I still felt really bad. I was about to get in the car to go home but then Liz ran up to me and said "Here's my number text me sometime" I got home and the first thing I did was call Tanner and told him I got her number. Then I asked him if he wanted to come over. He said he had to ask his dad. His dad said yes so he came over we were thinking about texting her and then I texted her and said Hey. She said What's up. So we started talking and all this and then I said it to her I said I like you. She didn't answer after that I felt like a moron.

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