5//His voice was deep and angelic

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So would you answer the phone if I called ?

Why do you want to call me

Idk I'm bored

What would we even do if you called, it's the same as texting

But it's better come on

Then he did the unexpected, he called me. My phone's ringtone was blaring throughout my room, his name flashing, Cason.. I hesitantly pushed answer and placed it up to my ear. His voice was deep and angelic, well if you could say that.


If you don't say anything I'm hanging up the phone Joey.

My name sounded 100 times better coming from him, and my stomach stirred.

Um hi


So.. whatcha doing

I'm on the phone with you



I didn't want our conversation to end so an idea popped up.

Have you heard of twenty one questions?

Yeah why?

Do you wanna do that?

Sure, you start.

Okay, what's your favorite color?

Easy one, gray

Simple color

Yep, what's up with your obsession with Nutella?

Oh gosh, you want the short or long answer?


It's just so good, it's like chocolate but way better and you can eat it with everything.

Oh. Okay then

Why do you always correct my grammar mistakes?

Ah. So you've noticed

Yes I have. It's pretty noticeable

Well it's a pet peeve and it might make a little more sense saying that I major in English

That makes sense, and I'll try not to make any more grammar mistakes

Thanks. What are you planning to do after high school?

Well... honestly I have no clue, I applied for multiple colleges though

What a plan

Yep. So what-

Dude get off the phone! We're gonna be late If you don't.


Sorry that was my roommate, I gotta go

Um okay bye

See ya

Then he hangs up. Well then. At least I found out a bit more about him. I fall back on my bed and huff, now I got nothing to do. My phone dings and I sit up and look at my phone.


We'll finish next call

I smile and lay back down, suddenly I can't wait until he calls next.

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