Chapter 1

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Let me tell you my story Edward Cullen was the best boyfriend someone could ask for until he left me in the woods because he said I was no good for him because I was human and when he left I was in like a trance for months on end until I finally gave into my dad and went to my friends house and that night I was walking home from my friend Angela's house and to get home I had to walk down a dark alleyway quicker than I needed to and I heard some noises coming from behind me so I turned around to see a man standing there and I said hello I'm Bella can I help you sir and he said I'm so sorry about this and then he reached into my neck and bit it and I screamed for what felt like forever and finally I woke up.

When I woke up I could see everything in the ally and even more and I could hear people taking that I couldn't see and I felt this burn in my throat and I could smell the most delicious smell ever and so I followed the smell to were I saw a man and a woman and a little girl at the age of 5 years old just learning how to talk and a little boy about 7 years old and so I went over to them and said I'm so sorry for this and I drank the man and woman's blood and they fell to the ground and I went over to the kids and they moved away from me and I said no no it is ok I'm not going to hurt you what are you names and the little girl said I'm Ashley and my mommy and daddy call me Ashe for short and then the little boy said I'm Nathan and my mom and dad called me Nate for short and I said ok hi there Ashe and Nate I'm Bella and it is nice to meet you both now I have to ask you both something and they said yes and I said do you know what vampires are and Nate said yes they are monsters who drink your blood and I said yes not liking that he called me a monster to my face and I then said we'll I'm a vampire and I just drank you mommy and daddy's blood and then little Ashe said are you going to do that to us Miss Bella and I said no I'm not but I do need to ask you both something and little Nate said yes Bella and I said well Nate and Ashe I need to know if you to are willing to become vampires and be my children and then Ashe said I would love that because our mommy and daddy hated us they always beat us and then Nate asked Bella if we become your kids and became vampires would you ever beat us and hate us and not feed us and I said no Nate and Ashe I would never do that to you kids never and then Nate said ok Bella we are ready and then little Ashe said Bella when we become vampires and you become our mommy can we call you mommy and I said of course Ashe you can I would be honoured to be called mommy and I said ok kids are you ready and they both said said yes so I went over to them and said see you both in three days along with you big brother and sister and bit them both three times and so I took them back to my hide out and place them both on the couch and then headed out to find their big brother and sister to protect them when I not there.

When I left then hide out I went into town and I saw two homeless kids and boy and girl around the ages of 10-13 and so I went over to them and said hello there what are you names and the boy said I'm Kyle and my friends call me Ky for short and then the girl said I'm Arabella and I get called Bell for short and I said ok well I'm Bella and I'm a vampire and I want to know if you would like to become one and for me to be your mommy and I also have to young kids under going to transformation themselves and then boy is Nathan and he is only 7 years old and the girl is Ashley is only 5 years old and at that both the kids said yes we would love that because we would have a family again and we would have younger siblings to look after and I said ok but before I change you may I know your ages and the girl bell said well I'm 10 years old and then the boy Ky said and I'm 12 years old and then bell asked me do we get to call you momma and I said yes but only if you want to and then Kyle said we would love to and then I said ok kids I'll see you in three days and I bit them both three time and then took them to the hide out to where the other children were at and I put Kyle and Arabella down beside Nathan and Ashley and I waited for them to go through the transformation.

The next three days came in fast and at this time in the day I was in the kitten getting Nathan and Ashley's blood bottles ready for them to drink from because they are to young to hunt and I started to here their hearts give out and when I did I ran into the room and walked over to them and waited and just when they all awoke they all shouted out saying momma and so I ran over to them and said it's ok sweeties everything is fine and then little Ashe said momma I'm hungry and then all the kids brought their hands up to their throats and said momma were are too and I said ok kids let's go get you something to eat and so they followed me and I went into the kitchen and said Nate and Ashe your bottles of blood are on the table drink away and as I said that they both grabbed the bottles and then Kyle said momma were is mine and bells blood and I said were us three are going to go hunting later on in the year but for now until we do you can drink as many of these blood bags as you want to ok and then bells said ok momma came we have them now and I said yes of course you can and I hand the kids the blood bags.

I called the kids all back to the couch and told them they had to sit they all said ok momma and I said ok kids we are moving we are moving to Seattle and the kids said ok momma when we going and I said we are going now so let's go and so we all got in the truck and went to Seattle to live for about 5 years then we would move again I had all ready bought a house and a car.

Next chapter is about them decorating the house and Bella realises who the volturi are.

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