Chapter 2

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The port was loud with drums and singing and chanting. People spoke in the language used on the mainland but the island nation's own language, Res, was used just as prevalently. According the court scholars, a third of the people on the Resu Islands could speak and understand the mainland language but the rest exclusively spoke in Res.

It was a pretty language, almost musical in nature, but apparently it was difficult to learn. Zen had been taught some of it for the trip, and the rest of the group from Clarines had picked up a few useful phrases.

Obi had haunted Zen's Res lessons and he knew some of the language from his previous contact from the country, so he could understand a bit of what people were saying. Most of them were yelling out good fortunes for Zen and Clarines or hollering welcomes to everyone disembarking from the ship.

It seemed like everyone gathered was incredibly enthusiastic about the visiting nobility. Probably because they didn't get many people from the mainland all the way out here. They were a prosperous nation, but once trade deals were in place, visiting wasn't a necessity. If war wasn't possibly on the way, he doubted that Clarines would be renegotiating its own deal with the island nation.

Apparently there was an overabundance of flowers on the island and the king had given the order to get rid of the surplus because people were still tossing flowers. Petals and blooms drifted down from the second and third story windows, getting in his hair and covering his jacket. Obi plucked a bright yellow daisy that was trying to slip under the collar of his shirt and then reached over to tuck it into the young mistress' shining hair. While she had her hood up right now, it would be impossible to hide her apple-colored locks from the Resu for long.

Zen shot him a look that said he clearly wished that he thought of giving Shirayuki a flower before Obi. Oh well. The master was going to have to learn to move faster.

Shirayuki waved at a few of the little kids that had gathered at the edge of the docks, and they burst out into yells and waved back wildly. One of the tiny girls tossed a whole bouquet of flowers at Zen, but Obi reached out and grabbed it before it could hit him. He twirled it happily and then presented it to Zen, who gave him an arched eyebrow look. Obi just grinned and handed the bouquet to Mitsuhide instead.

There was a pair of open air carriages waiting at the edge of the dock along with a middle-aged man in a green tunic with the royal family's emblem on it. Aw, crap. There wasn't a horse that Obi could steal to ride, which meant he was going to have to ride in one of the carriages. He hated being confined like that, even if it was an open air carriage. He only rode in them if there wasn't any other option...

The assistant bowed to Zen, a graceful sweeping motion.

"Your highness, I've been sent to escort you to the palace," the man said, "I am the king's head assistant, Evanis."

"Thank you, Evanis," Zen said, nodding his head to the assistant, "We are grateful." Zen smirked a little and gestured to the crowds. "This is a very warm welcome."

The court assistant smiled and spread his hands apologetically. "It's been a few years since a prince has visited. Excuse their excess excitement."

"It's fine," Zen said, quiet amusement hiding in his expression.

As the others loaded into the carriages, Obi looked around, wondering how he could go but not have to join in the carriage riding. If only there was a horse somewhere...

Finally, he spotted one saddled and ready to go, though a young woman was holding the reins. She was on the short side with light blond hair and dark grey eyes that locked onto him the moment he looked at her too long. He didn't look away. Instead, he grinned at her, which earned him a narrowed frown from those grey eyes.

Her dark purple outfit would have looked innocuous if it wasn't for the additional weapons. Obi quickly assessed her visible weaponry, finding bracers with strange metal features, a pair of sheathed blades, and what looked like a metal club poking out from over her shoulder. She was standing near a few other girls, but they were all in light summer dresses, though theirs looked far more expensive than the ones the people around them. Even though they were attempting to cover them up with cloaks, it wasn't enough to escape his quick, knowing gaze.

If he had to bet, he would say that the girl in purple was the bodyguard for one of the other girls. Probably the girl with the dark brown curly hair, since she seemed to be leaning toward her.

"I'll be right back," Obi announced to Mitsuhide and Kiki before sauntering toward the woman with the horse. She watched him, moving very subtly so that she was in front of the dark-haired girl. Yep, he was right. That definitely had to be the girl she was guarding.

"Hey there," he said, smirking at her once he was close enough, "This might be a little odd, but I'd like to borrow your horse."

The blonde blinked and then straightened up, putting a hand on her hip. "You're kidding. Isn't there a carriage for you to ride in?" Her lilting Resu accent was strong, but it she definitely spoke the mainland language.

"I don't like those," he said, taking another step closer. He stopped when she shifted, knowing better than to push a trained bodyguard too far. "I promise I'll bring it back."

For a long moment, she looked at him incredulously. "Aren't you going to the palace?"

"Yep," he answered, "But I can find you later."

"That sounds a little threatening," she said, "Just saying you can track me down based on this little exchange."

"It's not really," Obi responded, "If you give me your name, I can find you easier."

Beside her, the dark-haired girl started to say something, but then the blonde gave her a certain look that Obi couldn't quite read. However, when the dark-haired girl looked away, she was almost smiling. What was that about?

The blonde looked back at him. "Can you find me without a name?"

He sized her up, letting his eyes go from the top of her head to her sandals and back to her eyes. "Definitely."

"All right," she said, extending the reins to him, "But you'll owe me a favor."

Wait a second. "What kind of favor?"

"Not a deadly one and not one that will require you to betray anyone," the woman said, "How's that?"

"Oddly specific but I'm fine with it," Obi said. He held out a hand, and she dropped the reins into his palm.

"This is Wave," she said, patting the dapple grey gelding's neck, "Don't dig into him with your heels and you'll be fine."

"Nice to meet you, kind sir," Obi said, bowing to the horse and earning a few giggles from the other girls near the blonde. He nodded to her before mounting the horse. "You're sure you won't tell me your name?"

Stepping back, she grinned. "No. See you soon."

"Obi! Let's go!" Mitsuhide yelled from the carriages. He could see from the look on Zen's face that he had taken too long procuring the horse, but this felt right to him. Riding a horse was so much better than being stuck in a carriage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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