Take Me Down

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{It's Out}

This dance was not just an ordinary dance. It wasn't just a dance where people would laugh and smile when needed to. This dance was different, but not for everybody.

Just for me.


Jamie's deep voice chimed in. He was back to being his bad boy way. Being in front of about two hundred gossiping kids didn't help the fact that Jamie would act like a complete soft nut around me. He got flustered in front of a lot of people, and knowing his "Do before you think" attitude was on, he would probably embarrass himself. I understand though. He only shows himself to people he cares about and trusts. I just so happen to be one of those people.

I am those people.

I AM the people.

,"Demanding much, Jamie Lozano?"

I said teasing him in any way possibly. His cheeks grew hot but he held back his blush. I could tell already what and when Jamie was going something. I think I know him better than I know myself.

,"Tease me now but in about three hours I'm going to be the one doing al the teasing."

His eyes grew two shades darker in lust.

,"And you'll love it."

He said as he laced our fingers together. My cheeks flushed red at his demanding manner. Was I? NoI couldn't be.

Fuck, I am. I think I might just be a little bit kinky.

I was disturbed during my thoughts when I heard a loud bang. Someone had flung the gym door wide open. I rolled my eyes at the stupid act but Jamie took advantage of the action.

,"You see, everyone bows down to the queen."

He said sheepishly causing my body to grow hot.

,"Dammit, Jamie, if we keep it up like this I might not make to the car."

I said seductively.

Poor Jamie boy. I can tease harder than he can.

,"But who knows, I might just make it to the goddamn restroom."

I whispered as I pulled him into the gym. He grabbed me by the waist warding everyone off, sending the message that I was his. That's when I heard the whispers and felt the dirty looks daggering through my back.

He probably paid to get her makeup done, I guess the player likes to have pretty dates after all.

He looks to good to be with her.

She's so hot I think I might just have to steal her.

You think she's a freak in the sheets? I mean that has to be the reason why he's with her right? Sex.

I wonder if she's still tight after fucking around with Erin and Jamie.

I froze when I heard the last one. I didn't get angry or start to feel rage bubbling inside me. I felt nothing. I looked up at Jamie and saw him looking someone dead in the eyes. His body was tense, grip on my waist even tighter than before, eyes almost black as they filled with rage. But this wasn't just rage, no, this was something greater then that. Jamie looked like an animal.

My Jamie, an animal.

His grip on my waist pulled off of me and I quickly felt the sense of nakedness hit me. I saw Jamie walked up to someone. A guy. A red headed guy with green eyes and dark freckles.


Jamie said over the blasting music. His voice was louder, deeper, scarier than I had ever heard it. It almost scared me. It made me chill to the bone and worst of all... It was sickeningly calm.

,"N nothing."

The guy said cowardly. Jamie was bigger and taller than him. Shit, Jamie was bigger than any other guy in the school. I'M DATING THE BUFFEST GUY IN THE SCHOOL! I saw Jamie grab the guy by the collar.

,"Don't play stupid with me."

Jamie spat into his face. No! This was wrong. Jamie was being a hypocrite. He told me to let things go when I beat up that bitch Tiffany, but now? What about now? Look at him doing the exact same thing I did. I couldn't handle the rage that Jamie was creating inside me. I looked around and saw many eyes on me. I let out a rugged breath before running. I was in heals but I still ran.


Jamie yelled. I didn't care, I was to angry. I stumbled into the girls bathroom but I quickly brought myself together when I saw a familiar face. Toni.

,"What are you doing here?"

I croaked out. She raised an eyebrow.

,"I'm a chaperone. What the hell happened to you?"

I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. A warm hug. That's all I needed to calm down a bit. Jamie had made me so angry. I honestly didn't understand why, but he did and I couldn't handle seeing him in the action of him being a hypocrite. If that makes any sense.


I spat out. I expected his name to bring disgust to my tongue but it didn't it was the exact opposite. I could say his name all day. I pushed the thought to the back of my head and sighed.

,"He happened."

She pushed me away and growled lowly.

,"You love him! I made you pretty for him! Go!"

She seemed angry at first but I knew not to take it seriously.


I spat out.


I was going to any that didn't love him, but the words couldn't come out of my mouth, they were trapped within my lips. Almost as if they were stopping me from say a lie and then that's when it hit me. Everything he had gone through, all the things I dragged him through, every emotion I had felt... He stayed with me, didn't leave me, and he felt everything I felt. It was like he was a part of me. I didn't know what to call what we felt for each other because I was so ignorant and hard headed. I didn't want it to be love, but it is. I knew all along, deep down. It was love. I was in love.

,"I have to tell him."

Toni looked confused at first.

,"I have to tell him I love him."

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